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Everything posted by snookie

  1. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/oily-s ... tml#373886
  2. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/pics-o ... 34707.html
  3. do they have extra thumbs and play the banjo ?
  4. a small sponge filter would be ok , or small internal filter as bettas dont like water moving much
  5. any idea of the size they are going to be?
  6. just water parameters im concerned about
  7. sshh no one knows about the croc 8)
  8. they may be aprophs :lol: , was thinking with aro and bichirs they would stick out like dog nuts with a black background they would look mint
  9. What Is Max captive size ? also would you be able to adjust water parameters , to be able to mix with non Malawi or Tang predators , i have seen fronts in similar situations
  10. snookie

    help please

    when electrolytes was added
  11. http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/female ... 34553.html :roll:
  12. snookie

    help please

    if its not broke dont try to fix it
  13. snookie

    Breeding Neons

    Breeding: the neon is an egg laying fish,the water needs to be very clean and soft ,the eggs also seems to be light sensitive so best to keep in a small tank in a dark spot. It is a good idea to cover the sides of the tank to block out the light.Only young fish should be used for breeding and at least 5 fish (with a ratio of 2-1 males) that have been separated (put the females in the tank that will be used for spawning) for 2 days and fed some live foods. The temperature should not rise above 75 (21 to 23c) Keep a lid on this container as they will jump out. Keep the breeders together for 24 hours and then remove them. They usually spawn early in the morning.The clear eggs are laid among the plants and barely stick to them. In 22 to 26 hours the eggs hatch, the fry are very hard to spot, but appear 3-4 days later at which time they are free swimming and will need to be fed infusoria, followed ideally by microworms or brineshrimp when they are bigger.A good spawn would be 40-50 fry I got this from here http://tropicalworld.proboards106.com/i ... thread=867
  14. try looking for tiger datnoid
  15. kitchen towel will do the trick might need to do it a few times though. also chuck a airstone on a pump for a while
  16. skim a paper towel over the surface of the water ,that should pick it up , also is there much surface agitation? and what are you feeding ?
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