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Everything posted by snookie

  1. snookie

    My tank

    a black background ?
  2. There are two distinct species of BB gobies out there in the stores. One is Brachygobius xanthozona (8 rays in dorsal fin) and is a brackish species but can live in freshwater. They have unbroken black stripes. The other species is Brachygobius nunus and they do not tolerate fresh water. copied from http://www.ultimatebettas.com/index.php?showtopic=196 hth
  3. there are 2 species of chalceus c.erythrus Has yellow in the fins the other species is c.macrolepidotus 8)
  4. im happy with him , i wonder if any Chalceus macrolepidotus will come in some time though ?
  5. couldnt resist , i bought another chalceus yesterday :oops: from hff albany on the way home
  6. badis badis would look great 8)
  7. dwarf puffers and ottos 8)
  8. clown is 5 cm? how big are the goldfish ?
  9. you need a feature fish , say something like a large(ish) Ornate Bichir i think that would make the tank really special , I might just know a man who has one and dont want much for him
  10. its more of pearl / pink colour , feel free to come and have a look 8)
  11. are you selling Discus already ?
  12. David R , Silvia15 , both have greens there will be more keepers that i dont know off as a few came in
  13. when i got him in july 09 tail grew back well
  14. i feed him Prawn , Krill , all sorts of bugs , earthworms , regular is Sera granuar pellets , Pellet train as soon as you can
  15. how many parents fit in a 6 foot ? 8)
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