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Everything posted by snookie

  1. building sand , about $5 from bunnings etc..
  2. spiney eels are great , very intelligent fish
  3. just strange there was no sign or indication there was anything wrong this morning , Tank looks so bare ,i have sold my clown knives to make more room for the aro , they are being picked up tomorrow , but now i dont have an aro if i was supersticious i would be screwed 8)
  4. I am Gutted , never been so attached to a fish
  5. Got Home from work Aro Dead , Wife said he spun out jumped knocked him self out on top of tank , was gasping for a while tail droped ,flipped upside down , All Over Rover Time to give up me thinks
  6. Also African Aro Is their a smallish Arowana ?
  7. Which Wholesaler is supplying spanner barbs at present ? p.m me or on here 8)
  8. I hope it stays this way , as i dont really want to part with them :roll:
  9. happy families over past few days again , nothing worst than seeing munted fish
  10. a bit of salt wont hurt either
  11. I still think its the chalceus , Mr Jar Messed with the wrong fish :evil: me thinks
  12. It depends on the sex of the fish , breeding etc.. may be add a pleco
  13. i wish one would live with my asian
  14. how are they working out ? would you recommend ?
  15. there seems to be no consistency ,
  16. http://www.nzherald.co.nz/science/news/ ... d=10649358 good old DOC
  17. I think you are to used to Monster Fish 8)
  18. All calm so far , i have added a large Hygro Plant , I would like to add another odd Ball , but not sure what yet , Long weekend coming up and i am going to try and take some pics :roll:
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