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Everything posted by snookie

  1. yep wish i still had it 8) , sold him to roger
  2. I miss mine 8) viewtopic.php?f=32&t=28261
  3. they will be sweet go for the 20 , just watch out for the clowns barbs major choking hazard
  4. if bgk was 12 inch i would be a bit concerned ,
  5. Is that like a Fluval 405 ? you should get enough surface agitation with them. Are your fish showing signs of not enough oxygen ?
  6. 8-10 cm approx quite fat too
  7. Not 100 % sure if banded knife and clowns will be ok together
  8. ctenopoma may not get enough food , like i said i dont know much about syno cats
  9. Not really sure about syno cats , But there may be feeding issues between Ctenopoma and syno cat as they both come out to play at night , just my opinion
  10. a bigger bit of poly would be good , starting to look good though , its Ctenopoma by the way
  11. what are you feeding him ? also be careful of there Jaw as it can dislocate and bone sticks out of throat , i know of a few this has happened too , does not affect them just looks strange , and will have it for life ,unless you try to push it back in , not good for the fish
  12. he is going great a really mellow chap ,just need to double his size
  13. That is what i was thinking , So sell them to Someone who wants to have a go at breeding 8) ,then more room in your tank for a group of Dithers
  14. Its all about balance imo , Are you breeding the Cichlids ?
  15. Almost doubled in size probably more , about 12 inch now
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