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Everything posted by Krissie

  1. Krissie

    unwell angel

    i don't honestly know what could be causeing the ph drop. There are just the two sick fish, and a piece of slate in the tank, with standard gravel, same as always. nothing has changed as far as that is concerned. Temp is at 26, as usual.... The fish are an Angel and a Bala Shark, and from memory they like the ph around 7. What causes a ph crash? Cheers
  2. Just bought two little guys, as i have always wanted them. Yay! I have them in a tank with: 1 x Adult Male Severum 1 x Semi-Adult Angelfish 2 x Hoplo Cats 1 x 6" Fire Eel 1 x 5" Native Eel 1 x 6" Clown Knife 2 x Locharta Loaches (aka yoyo or Pakistan) 1 x 7" Common Plec 1 x 6" Red Spot Plec Aside from the Severum following them, there does not seem to be any issues yet. The tank is 4 foot, and there is plenty of swimming places, and hiding Places too. Any ideas or advice? Cheers
  3. Krissie

    unwell angel

    Hi guys. Today i tested my water in the hospital tank, and all was good EXCEPT the Ph levels! It has dropped dramatically! It was 7 now it is more like 6 or less! (was lighter than my guide chart goes!) Are the meds doing this? Still just using Just the Furran. Should i add a small piece of coral? Or the 'Ph Up' liquid stuff i have? Cheers.
  4. One Angel is already back in the main tank, and the other is 99% better, so i'm guessing he may be ok to go back into the main tank in a few days. I'm rehoming two of my fish out of my main tank tomorrow, to lessen the fighting in there. ( 1 male Severum, & 1 Male Killifish ) Both are excess to what i want in my tank, so i don't mind losing them too much. My Angels will be rehomed once they are well enough, as My 'Main Man' (Full Adult Male Severum) needs different tankmates. Once the sick Angel is better, then i'll change the treatment to suit the shark. Causes?: My Angels... being hasseled, then a big water change, so Stress mainly! The Bala Shark... From my Inlaws tank which is IMO overcrowded, They overfeed, and their Kribs are breeding so probably harrasment too. Also a new fish that was put straight in that had a small 'white' patch on his dorsal fin (he's fine though of course?!) I'm going there tomorrow to check on the rest of the fish, and test the water too as they never do. :-? Thanks for the advice on the Formalin... but may still use it as the shark has regained some colour but is sitting on the bottom of the tank alot so i assume he is not recovering. Furran has helped him though, that is very obvious, love the stuff now!
  5. Greetings Doug! Hope things go well for your new tank! enjoy!
  6. Greetings and welcome. I agree, this is a great site!
  7. Ok. cool. So Malachite Green and Formalin. Sweet. Problem.... I have Formalin (5%), and i have another product that has Malachite in it, but it also has Methylene blue @ 1.5%, Acriflavine @ 0.05%, and Quinine @ 0.04%. (Malachite @ 0.1%) It is called Wunder Tonic, from Brooklands Aquarium, New Plymouth. Can i mix the two? Keeping in mind i have been using Furran 2 in the tank for a week. Or... Can i just go out and buy Malachite Green straight, and use that with the formalin stuff? Or... do i just treat one med at a time? *sigh* Gets complicated after a while, especially when you sucked at science! lol Cheers for your help Spidersweb! I really, really appreciate it! You too alanmin!
  8. lol.... ooops! :lol: Yes i meant Costia! :oops: What are common brand names for treatments? Cheers
  9. Cheers for that Caryl. If they do lay i don't think the eggs stand much of a chance as there is a breeding pair of Kribs in the tank.... will most likely be eggs for breaky!
  10. Krissie

    unwell angel

    UPDATE #2 My Angel is looking alot better. i am on my 6th dose of Furran 2 Today and he is looking alot Happier He does seem to look better in the mornings though, by sort of 4pm he goes back to the top of the tank, to 'his' corner, and chills out there. How long should i keep treating him? He is eating better, and searching the gravel through the day for 'tid-bits', but as i said, he does seem to get 'tired' at around 4pm. :-? Any suggestions? Cheers
  11. so they could be breeding? Can breeding be mistaken for fighting to the novice eye? They seem to be chasing each other, and when they catch up, they seem to be sucking on each others heads. cheers
  12. Can anyone tell what sort of infection this is... baterial, fungal, Viral? apparently, according to some online research, this may be what is making my inlaws Bala Shark sick. I'm currently treating with Furran 2, which is an anti-biotic eh? Is this the right treatment? Cheers
  13. if you are after coral, i have some here. Not sand but pieces. I'd be happy to pack some up and post it to you... Just need a size, and an address. Cheers
  14. cheers SpidersWeb , i have now gone to photobucket so i will maybe have more luck in the future
  15. will a gbn breed with a standard bn? My father in law has one of each that appear to be male and female, and he noticed they seem to be fighting? He doens't want them to breed but we are curious as to whether they are fighting or mating... Sorry to hijack... don't mean to be rude, just figured while on the subject... Cheers
  16. cheers for that Caryl. I know the basics on breeding the cats, but i was wondering if there are specific levels required for the water, ie: temp, PH, etc As for the loaches, yeah i couldn't find anything about breeding or sexing them, but my two are the same age, but very different in lenght and shape, so i am just assumeing male & female. What do Loaches normally give brith to? Live young or Eggs? Cheers
  17. have you checked to see that they don't have fry again? The gulping may just be him holding babies in his mouth. I know it sounds obvious and you probably have checked this, but sometimes we forget the obvious things.... Cheers
  18. I have two Lochata Loaches and was wondering if anyone has had any success breeding them? I am asuming they are male & female as one is 'shorter' than the other. They are both about 2 -3 yrs old. The one i believe to be female has gained alot of weight in the last week and was wondering if maybe she was ready to drop?! But what? Eggs? Live young? Not alot out there on breeding these guys. Any ideas? (aka: pakastani or yo-yo loach) Also looking for what the correct conditions are for breeding Hopolo Cats. Cheers.
  19. I was really surprised that my guy bit me! I too hand feed and i suppose in a way that might be the problem. Having terrible eyesight he might have just thought i was trying to feed him, and bit me looking for the food? Some 'food' for thought anyhow...lol
  20. POOH! I just can't seem to do this picture thing! I've read the instructions.... must just be not sinking in! Sorry guys :oops:
  21. yep, 20 is easy enough. i had a albino one that i had to rehome at the local LFS because it just got too big for my tank and i felt cruel keeping it. I'll try to post my last pic of her before i rehomed her\him? http://www.dotphoto.com/SAN1/5F/35/CF/i ... CE97DB.jpg Hope it worked this time.
  22. Krissie

    unwell angel

    Well, they are still alive. Have been treating with Furran 2 for 3 days now and it seems to have cured the Angel with the redness, flashing etc. The Angel who swims funny is getting there i think. Tonight i had to bring home my in-laws Young Bala Shark because he has something seriously wrong with him. His eyes are cloudy AND Bloodshot, and he is not shiny like he should be, gone really dull. So yeah, anyway, i put him in with my two Angels and the healthier one attacked him! Grabbed him by the fin and shook him like a dog! Poor Bala Shark! I figured, if the Angel is well enough to fight then he's well enough to go back into my main tank for a night, till i figure out what to do! My in-laws don't have a hospital tank so that is why i bought their Bala Home. I may have to set up a second hospital tank?! Problem there is, My baby Rainbow Skinks are living in it at the moment and they can't swim! Always something going on with my animals & fish! :roll:
  23. Not just at night either! I was re-planting my tank yesterday and my wee "Mac" the clown knife decided i needed tasting! It hurt and has left a wee red mark on my arm. So i figure, if mine who is about 6inches, will try and eat my arm, then a small BN would just be a snack. cheers
  24. Krissie

    What is he?

    I got him of a friend who had no idea what he was either. I gave him $80 for him which i know now, was no where near enough! I got a great deal. I agree that he looks more like the L168, and i think his lines are fine. BUT given that they are never (or at least, very rarely) seen in NZ, then i guess he was a L52. Although, in saying that, i have never seen another one since, nor anything even close, so hey, who knows. I'm not sure how 'young' and 'old are defined when it come to plecs and such, but he was about 2.5 Inches (maybe more, me being a girl and all, lol ) when we got him, and we had for about a year, in which time he didn't grow stuff all, so he wasn't real young by my standards, maybe 2 - 3 yrs old. Cheers
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