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About sas137

  • Birthday 03/24/1982

Extra Information

  • Location
    Te Aroha Waikatowz
  • About You
    fish & working out

sas137's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Why are they band from being imported
  2. how heavy should these things end up with concrete on them? ive started one 150x60 and its quite heavy now..
  3. i got mine from anzack bay in waihi, low tide at night with a spotlight and net. alsorts ther smooth pipe fish, seahorses, scorpion fish , stargazers, leather jackets, moki ect
  4. i wouldnt mind a small carpet shark to start off
  5. yea 200ltrs so 950 ltrs all combined
  6. anyone keeping cold water marine tanks with photos arround , i wouldnt mind setting up my 3ft by 5ft tank up but would like to see others tanks to get some idears, and what fish people are keping, do we have any other typs of crustation other than crabs and crafish out in our reefs any suggestions welcome for cold water marine
  7. hi just woundering what you feed it, we have these flounder in or river as well but what do they eat before i go catch me one
  8. sas137


    nice sea horses. i found some last weekend in waihi, but let them go as i didnt have anything set up, what i also found were some smoth sea dragons they looked quit cool so next mission is to build a nice deep tank for some of them and the likes. just woundering where i could find the sea weed fish or do i just need to look harder. (arround waihi)
  9. sas137

    Leopard fish

    oh last time i posted a post on here asking the same question i got told that we didnt have any and they were illegial and couldnt be gotten.
  10. sas137

    sea grass

    Why does the sea grass have to be submerged all the time just woundering
  11. sas137

    sea grass

    cool might have to come have a look and bring some goodies with me then thanks for that
  12. sas137

    sea grass

    hi just woundering if you can keep sea grass in a tank or anything else like kelp and stuff like that. if so what sort of light do they require , newtrents ect.... i got a 1000 ltr tank set up as a fiish only tank (cold marine) with a couple of sweep, 2 goat fish, 1 spotty, 1 common triplefin, and a fish that looks kinda like a trev but its sumthing else just cant rember the name any help would be cool
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