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    west auckland.

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  1. Sorry, confusion I think. Most Insurers will pay UP TO $2,000 for property not belonging to you but which you were responsible for. A good deterent as well are plenty of sensor lights and those fake cameras
  2. I have a fluval 204 with media you can borrow if that helps?
  3. Hey guys, Shame about the bike but if you have standard householders contents insurance, there is usually an extension in your wording known as "PCCC" or property under your care custody or control. Different Insurance companies have different limits, usually around the $2000 mark Its not too late to claim if you havent already. Hope that helps
  4. We have had lots of goldfish disappear down the gullet of a pukeko! :evil: :evil: And they just wade right on in and eat till they just about burst. The ones they cant jam down their horrid gobs, they speared and tossed them up on to the bank.
  5. Okie dokies............. 5 horses: 2 are mine, 2 are my sisters and 1 is agisting here 4 cats: 2 moggies, 1 Ocicat and an Abyssinian/Burmese 2 dogs: Border Collie's. Did have 3 until a month ago. R.I.P Slicky, he couldnt beat the cancer 13 chickens: 10 for Xmas dinner if they dont start laying again 8.5ft community tank 4ft malawi tank 2 MASSIVE goldfish ponds: 1 with about 40 fish and the other with who knows how many cause we cant see them :evil: 1 small outdoor pond with 4 goldfish And hundreds of blardy Pukeko's :evil: :evil: Nasty freakin birds.
  6. Has he really had them declawed? That is sick :evil: I remember as a teenager being horrified when I read that in China you could have your photo taken with a live tiger and it was safe because it had had its claws removed and some tendons and ligaments cut to remove any chance of it causing injury. I cant believe we have some wacko over here doing it.
  7. I am an Insurance Underwriter making sure we dont have too many buildings like the one kiwiplymouth works in on our books They burn far too easily Boring, but it pays the bills.................
  8. yep, I soooooo needed the box of Moro golds AND the carton of Ribena!! But I am still in awe of my Casio watch for $40!!! Great site, love the "crap" days
  9. I tried............... :oops: Epic Failure The kribs were terrified and always hiding. They moved to a different house.
  10. The best thing you could do for your new puppy is to get a calender and as soon as 6 months is up, get it fixed. Perhaps you should talk to your vet and see if they would provide a discount to get Bob done at the same time. There are way too many unwanted puppies and dogs at the local shelters without adding to them
  11. Should be covered under the Consumers Guarantee Act. The product you purchased has not fulfilled the purpose it was bought for..... Containing water! I dont think the Act covers consequential damages though. Surely HFF will have some form of Liability Insurance though. Good luck
  12. Why dont you ask at your local vet clinics. They always need cattery/kennels staff (especially this time of the year) and from there, you could fill in at reception and who knows from there. Maybe a vet nursing position?
  13. and your local supermarket or any local deli or butcher.
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