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Everything posted by sharronpaul

  1. The red stuff in them is alcohol with a dye added. I use a laboratory mercury thermometer, was calibrated by SGS in New Plymouth, but, as said above, the finger test in the tank works just as well. The thermometer is just a check. A while ago, I bought pair of the three dollar thermometers from our LFS - one read 21 deg, one read 27 deg, and the lab thermo read 25.7
  2. He he he... Our community tank is only 160ltr. Our growout room (1st room) is all 240L, the 2nd room is a mix of 60,100 and 130L and the 3rd room is all 60 and 130L. Will try and get some photos but it's a time thing. It takes an hour morning and night just to feed. Always wanted a bigger community tank, but unfortunately I'm outvoted
  3. We've got a whole heap of danios (zebra/leopard/pearl), bolivian rams, pearl gourami, std kribensis, convicts, and some paradise fish hopefully soon, as well as some banded gourami (colisa fasciata). Got 40 tanks in use, and have mothballed another 4 300L as haven't got stock for them at the mo, plus we have our small community tank upstairs. PM us and come and have a look if you like.
  4. Hi Rogan and Sharn, Thanks for that info, could only remember faces, I'm afraid. Rogan, how are those angels going that you got off me about 6mths ago? have they done anything?
  5. Hi Carol, I think that was one of the first things on the agenda, and I'm fairly certain that we are to be affiliated with NZFAS. I think some of the attendees have been or are members of other fish clubs/NZKA etc so they had that under control from the start. Cheers, Paul
  6. Hi Guys, and thanks for your reply. It was a reasonable turn-out for a first meeeting - about 12 or 13 people in total. As it was the first meeting, there was the usual nominations, however it escapes me who was elected as I only knew half of the people there. Sharn will know, she seemed to have it under control. I do quite like the idea of the FNZAS breeding programme. We have a few tanks underway so hope to be able to be helped out with some and help others out also.
  7. Hi, we're Paul and Sharron from Tauranga. We have a medium-sized breeding setup and have been fishkeeping for a couple of years. Thanks to the organisers of the first meeting of the Western Bay Aquarium and Pond club/society that we went today. Was great to meet like-minded enthusiasts. See you all again soon
  8. Hi Beachdude, What are the other fish in the tank doing? The banded gourami pair we have sometimes do weird stuff like that, almost if they are playing, but seem to wake up and pay attention if something else catches their attention... What is everything else in the tank doing, and the water chemistry?
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