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Everything posted by Zev

  1. Is that glare to go with that nice green eye, N1CK?
  2. Zev

    108L Rimless

    I actually think, as many have stated here as well, YOU ARE TOO IMPATIENT, Sam! I can send them if you want, or you can wait until I tell Wok he is delivery boy...
  3. Zev

    108L Rimless

    You gonna wait that long The tank will be pea soup by then! :lol:
  4. Zev

    108L Rimless

    50ml to 1tsp Want more plants? Can send you some My 2fter is getting overgrown.
  5. lol Barrie - it is the same in our household at the moment, I am sure my husband and the cat sympathise with you!
  6. We have three girls and my husband has another two - so the saying four weddings and a funeral is out!
  7. lol, I can just picture the pair of you - your hand was probably shaking so much the poor turt probably thought that the worm was going to attack him!
  8. Sam is a Desk Lamp convert - no wiring required - a multi box, maybe, but no pliers and wire strippers necessary Hence the attraction for an article about his setups.
  9. Well done, Mel. “Variety's the very spice of life, That gives it all its flavor” - William Cowper
  10. You have more empty fish food containers than full ones. They will come in handy for something - won't they?
  11. The danger comes when you don't deliver!
  12. Be careful Sam - I could have suggested you write an article about it for Caryl 8)
  13. Neat - but can he do bulk orders if we invade him at conference ?
  14. You provide the photos and copy, and I will consider stickying it, Sam
  15. *runs off to check timer! - cannot remember what they are set at :oops:
  16. Went to the LFS this morning and was standing by the counter when the owner look behind me and says "oooh, she's waving" - me thinking what the heck is he talking about? I turn around to see the female beardie sitting atop some wood in their enclosure waving one front leg around. The male at the other end of the enclosure spits out a bunch of greens he just stuck in his mouth, scuttles closer to the female, goes darker around the neck and starts head bobbing... The rest is censored
  17. They would be bullies - did they look like any of these? http://www.fnzas.org.nz/index.php?PG=nativefish
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