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Everything posted by Ktttk

  1. haha, well it averages out to be about 20 GB per person per month which is reasonable but on a single account I guess you could regard it as heavy. The plan was apparently designed for households like mine who have a high number of users. Anyway, the problem lies with the small group of people who go through TBs of data each month (by circumventing Telecom's filtering rules), some of whom do it just so they can boast about it in certain forums.
  2. I'm a bit disappointed by this too. I have 6 internet users in my house (ages 18-26) and our average monthly usage is ~150 GB so the big time plan was perfect. Guess it's time to shop around again. It seems to me that broadband speeds are very good at the moment (ADSL 2) but what is lacking is capacity.
  3. Shipped some fish with Post Haste this evening. They mentioned that there has been a surge in ppl shipping fish with them in the past couple of weeks
  4. The inconsistency between and within each branch is certainly frustrating!
  5. Up until today, they were happy to ship the fish as long as I accepted their no-liability clause, which I did. I have been using them for the past 2 years and have never had anything go wrong so I'm a little frustrated that they are taking this stance.
  6. I just found out today as well. Went in to drop off a box of fish only to be told that they no longer take live fish because the SPCA told them they weren't happy with it So I'm also on the look out for another shipping company.
  7. Have you tried using google scholar? http://scholar.google.co.nz/ It searches articles in the published literature (Journals etc). I did a quick search and found a couple of articles relating to corydoras reproduction and behaviour. Hope this helps. Article 1. Article 2.
  8. Ktttk

    Demasoni pics

    Thanks for pointing that out Ryan. I haven't come across any that have 7 stripes but it is indeed a good idea to keep them separate. How's your breeding colony going by the way?
  9. Ktttk

    Demasoni pics

    As Ryan has mentioned, I bought a bunch off him a couple of years ago and have added a few more along the way. From what I have seen, all the Dems in NZ are the Pombo rocks variant. I try and sell them to members on these forums or TradeMe and sometimes I offload them at the local pet shops if I have too many. Thanks Ryan. With the setup I've been running, I get a very high survival rate so the fry tanks are indeed becoming very crowded! My breeding Dems are in my 6 foot display tank. There are 4 males and about 10 females which spit, on average, about 20-30 fry. They breed almost monthly so the fry numbers can add up pretty quickly.
  10. Ktttk

    Demasoni pics

    I haven't posted here for a while but here are some recent pics I took of my demasonis. Hope you guys enjoy it. 8 holding females waiting to be stripped: Holding female: The fry are such piggies - they love their brineshrimp eggs. These guys are about 5 mm long. A cobalt blue fry is the odd one out! These guys are about 3-4 cm. Fry tank: Other threads with photos of my tank setup: http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=37482 http://www.fnzas.org.nz/fishroom/viewtopic.php?f=13&t=40465
  11. Let me know if you intend to stock it with Dems. I might even have enough to fill up that entire tank!
  12. Thanks for the comments, she is a real cutie. But I don't think she appreciates the ones that relate her (or her pals) to a nice meal 8) Anyway, please pm me if you are serious about taking her.
  13. Due to a change in circumstances, we can no longer keep our rabbit . Her name is Bonnie and she is a very adorable blue-eyed white lop-eared rabbit. We've had her for about a year and a half. She is friendly around ppl and only bites when you tug on her whiskers! Would really like her to go to a good home, preferably someone who already has some rabbits of their own. The lucky person will also get the rest of her rabbit food (maybe 10kg) and half a bag of hay. Please pm me if you are interested. Pick up from Mt Wellington.
  14. Thanks for the replies. It appears to be working now - wasn't working this earlier on this evening after my broadband ISP switched from Xnet to Telecom. Also having issues with a majority of youtube videos not playing. Instead I get "An error has occurred, try again later".
  15. ...or is it just me? Click here for link.
  16. A tank full of demasonis is a great spectacle!
  17. Its been a while since I have posted an update on my African breeding setup. See this thread for more details of the setup. I've been overseas in the UK and Japan for the last couple of weeks and got back on tuesday. I spent today cleaning the tanks and reorganising the fry according to their sizes. Here are some pics of the fry. Putting them into a sorting box! Newly stripped demasoni fry. A handful of fry. Another handful of fry. If you are interested in purchasing any of these fish, please send me a pm. Cheers.
  18. I have a friend who has recently moved to NZ (from the US) and is interested in picking up his hobby of keeping fancy goldfish again. Apart from the ones on TradeMe, are there any other breeders of quality lionheads and orandas that we can have a look at (preferably in Auckland)?
  19. Ktttk

    Filter wool

    Sweet, thanks guys. A trip to spotlight it is then!
  20. Ktttk

    Filter wool

    Anyone know where I can grab some cheap filter wool in bulk?
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