We have a trio of Fundulopanchax gardneri and I am pretty sure they've been spawning lately
They are housed in a small very heavily planted tank (it's basically a jungle in there! :lol:) - they seem to love it! There's a sponge filter, a small heater keeping the water at 23-24 C and we've been feeding them lots of bloodworms, dried bloodworms and flake food. Obviously this setup is not ideal for breeding them as it is basically impossible to get the eggs (especially not even knowing what the eggs look like... :-? ). Maybe I should change the setup...
Now to my question: Just before the light went out last night I am pretty sure I saw a tiny tiny wee killie - it was a millimeter in lentgh at most! You could barely tell it was a little fishie - it was as wide as a fishing line is... really tiny! But I am pretty sure judging from it's jumpy behaviour and its shape that it is a baby. I tried to catch it but it was too small and went through the net... Are the Killie bubbas this small??
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated