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About ryanjury

  • Birthday 04/18/1982

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  1. I would just do the install and removal at the same time. It doesn't look like there are a huge amount of fish there. So they would be ok in a plastic bin with heater and filter running.
  2. Unfortunately not Ira. I had to google it to see what that even was!
  3. Awesome thanks mate I will keep hunting
  4. Does anyone have access to any escargot or similar sized shells? I got my last lot from someone off here, unfortunately they are getting a bit old and broken for the shellies..
  5. As per the title please let me know if you have any.
  6. Just chuck both filters in the same tank and keep an eye on things do a few more water changes and feed lightly. It should be fine, as long as one of the filters was running and cycled before the other one died.
  7. Heaters (especially the cheap ones) don't actually heat to the temperatue that you set them to, the numbers on them are just a guideline just set the temperatue with a good thermometer in the tank and disregard what the heater says, you can calibrate some heaters I am not sure about the sunsun ones. I haven't really had much luck with the stick on thermometers they don't appear very accurate, also your tank only holds around 130L so you only really need 1 150W heater in there so I would only run one of the 200W ones.
  8. No worries mate, unfortunately the state of a lot of our africans in NZ is quite poor.. Fish room is slowly progressing, got the 750L display tank going in the house and have a few nice fish growing out in there and have some other fish looking good so need to really get it going. Haha voluntary labour is always welcome
  9. Random blue zebras probably like 90% of the mbuna in NZ which are just hybrids but someone breeds them in a mixed tank and does a random google search and gives them a name to sell them.
  10. Stick with more dems and the yellows.. Maybe add some bumblebees but be prepared to thin the numbers out as they get bigger, I have had some monster bumblebees and a 4ft tank isn't really big enough for them but they do take a number of years to get huge..
  11. They have came in a few times, cool fish I had one for a while!
  12. I think Ron hit the nail on the head here if you have every line open to the compressor the air will just go to the air stones with the least resistance to it, if you regulate the air to each one then you should be ok, what I did in my room is run a 5 way gang valve off the droppers off the main line (which was 19mm irrigation tubing) then I could control the air and get them all going.
  13. For that length I would go in 12mm glass and you could go to say 650mm deep as David has suggested, it would be far safer.
  14. You can get it from the birdbarn or even offline in the form of aviverm. http://www.thedrenchshop.co.nz/index.ph ... Itemid=105 Instructions for use here: http://www.loaches.com/Members/shari2/l ... chloride-1 It might not help your situation but certainly wont make things worse and I have used it before and had no issues. It is cheap and easy to get and pretty mild etc. How big is your tank? If I have some left I can probably send you enough to treat your tank a little goes a long way with it.
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