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Everything posted by alanmin4304

  1. Can't find the site but: no/no
  2. Cabomba does best with little water movement. Ambulia will tolerate more.
  3. alanmin4304

    glass prices

    If you are not in a hurry I would take the old bottom off and replace it rather than patch it. It is a bit more tricky with 10 mm as it has less flex than the thinner glass but would be worth it. Use a one sided razor blade and work it between the two bits of glass. It is a bit of a mission but will make a better job. Clean off all the RTV including about 50mm up the corners and clean with meths.
  4. When I was running a large pump into a fish house with fifty tanks and probably 100 outlets I ran the air into the air cylinder off the breaks on a truck because it had connections I put taps on to drain the water off. As an aside I found Warrens suggestion worked as well and it took a lot of the noise out. Pulsing noise is one us humans tend to find offensive.
  5. I agree, it also gives you the chance to feed up your females and get some size on them before they become gravid.
  6. Some pumps can be adjusted to alter the flow or as said earlier make sure the diaphragm is OK or put a two way control valve and bleed excess off to reduce back pressure.
  7. alanmin4304

    glass prices

    10mm is used in large panes so it should be easy enough to get a 6ft offcut. I have seen heaps that size where I get my glass.
  8. alanmin4304

    glass prices

    If you can get an offcut from a glazier it will be cheaper than buying a new bit.
  9. It depends on what you are treating. If it is tonic medication you mean it contains a number of treatments for various ailments. If you are treating something that may end up in the gravel then cleaning the gravelis a good idea. Otherwise I just do the normal water changes.
  10. I have four about a year old and just getting to the "flash my belly" stage.
  11. Verticillata grows to 120-150mm tall and leaf as big as the old 20 or 50c coin but is a lot shorter and smaller submersed, even to very small when shaded under plants. Ideal foreground plant as it grows vertically through the media rather than up to the light (hence the name I guess). Most plants are grown emersed and it is not cost effective to heat in the colder weather so plants are mainly available in the summer. It is also more difficult to take cold emersed plants and convert them to tropical submersed.
  12. Out of curiosity what is Rainbow Warrior in French?
  13. I don't have Mayaca but I think I saw it in a few shops in Jaffatown last year-- you might have to talk nicely to the locals or contact Pupuke as they are pretty good with plants. I grow verticillata emersed but it is easy to convert to submersed. If you want to go planted you don't want to wait too long as plants will start getting harder to obtain in about a month.
  14. What Hydrocotyle were you interested in? I normally have verticillata and leucocephala. Both are pretty easy to grow.
  15. I am not sure if they are called tiger barbs because they look like or behave like tigers. I used to breed lots of them and there is a lot of interest in who is the boss but it is usually bluff. I kept the males and females seperate for conditioning and that reduces the damage.
  16. I have some large chunks of marble in one of my plant tanks and the plants do very well. Shell is calcium carbonate as is marble and it is not very soluble and will realy only go into solution in acid water. Some plants like that and some do not so it would be a matter of try and see. I have some Echinodorus sp. as well as Hygrophila, Rotala and Crypts that tolerate hard water like balansae,wendtii,walkeri and petchi.
  17. That was my point. If you cross a blusher with a silver you get a single stripe gene and a stripeless
  18. The main reason antibiotic resistence is established is through treating with an insufficient dose or stopping the treatment part way through. This is why Doctors insist you take antibiotics until they are all finished. It is therefore important to use enough ( at least 2.5ppm or mg/l) and to dose again two days later. This will make sure there are no bugs left to become antibiotic resistent. They will return (from the environment) if you do not control the conditions which encouraged them in the beginning.
  19. Lots of water changes and kull all but the very best stock. The best food grows the best fish.
  20. When you are breeding large numbers of fish it becomes a matter of economy of scale and you have to rare as many fish as you can in a facility to cut costs. Filtration removes the lumps and provides housing for bacteria to operate the nitrogen cycle but doesn't get rid of the solubles. Generally breeders will feed to excess and water change as much as possible to get maximum growth. That is what I used to do anyway.
  21. When I brace a tank I use 10 or 12 mm glass right around the top inside the tank about 10mm down from the top and the lid sits on that level with the top of the tank. In my view straps across the top are no good compared to "euro bracing". When I was making tanks I had to repair a few and they were all strap braces,thats why I don't like them.
  22. Most outdoor ponds are not aerated. If they are designed right they will have a good surface area for the volume of water.
  23. I agree with the above comments but remember also that genes in angels are in pairs and people cross to all sorts and you could have fish with only one stripe gene. It is more than likely stress or dominance.
  24. I have been operating tanks for years without one. It comes down to how hi tek you want to go, and how much money you want to spend. It will not do any harm, but there are criteria for them to operate successfully.
  25. I would go for a refund as I would be concerned about why it broke. T he standmay not be very straight or something. Seems a coincidence the crack got recently discovered and it had not contained water.
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