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Everything posted by Seth

  1. That tank looks awesome dude um to be a pain where abouts do you get medical grade mag and cal additives from are they just as good as petstore products? Do you just dose small amounts and test to get it right ??
  2. I just have a heap in my sump I dont know how to keep them alive for that long because when I get egg carying shrimp i usualy seperate them into my last compartment in my sump and once they hatch the pump sucks them into the tank seahorse food lol but in saying that i do miss some and I have little shrimp alive that I didnt catch so they survived somehow I think lack off predation rocks to hide from other shrimp should do the trick I haardly even really feed my shrimp they just get watever comes outa the tank into the sump
  3. Thanks wasp :oops: I like to try and do thigs properly
  4. I have four seahorses heaps of hermit crabs and about 4 different blennie type fish nothing has dyed in this tank since I have had it I never considerd our anemones because I dont have a light would they harm my fish sea horses etc do you think ??
  5. Ive got a smallish cold water marine tank that is probably the easyest tank I have to look after out of my tropical fresh water tanks or any thing but i spent a bit of money on it in the first place its been running for about 18 months now with no problems at all I have the main tank decorated with coral rock from the pet store then it runs into a sectioned sump with a small airstone skimmer then into another section filled with coral rock (and breeding ghost shrimp) and then is pumped back into main tank the tank also has a small power head for extra filltration I also added some small peices of live rock from a tropical tank to get the good bacteria started in the rock and yeah I feed every night and do a small 10% water change once a mounth and every thing seams to be fine
  6. Seth

    Photos Please!

    MAd coulours there awsome purple hey brainenome was it you selling the pulsing zenia (I suck at spelling) on trade me
  7. awesome tank like the rocks that have been used espeically big one to the right more pics would be good to see what its like now
  8. Get some Blue haps and or good couloured Peacocks DROOOL......................... Im such a geek
  9. Seth

    Hey everybody

    um try 3x probably and thats just an estimate
  10. Seth

    Hey everybody

    Hi ive already posted in the salt water section a few times just wanted to say hello um I keep two marine tanks 1 tropical (Being set up slowly) one cold "rock pool tank" with 4 seahorses rock pool fish hermits etc 2 tropical fresh tanks with guppies guppies guppies and some bettas and one brackish tank with 2 archer fish and a figure8 puffer plus lots of other animals sweet as
  11. I wanna hear what Iduncan has to say well read what Iduncan has to say
  12. Seth

    salt mix

    get together have a fight violence solves everything (please note im being sarcastic although if you did have a fight could you video tape it)
  13. HA fish geek thats what my girl freind calls me so yeah i guess i must be one
  14. Thanks for that i now know I bought I test kit with out a syringe that is needed to use it ha back to my lfs I go
  15. Hey Sorry to be a pain but can i ask a question about your Nitrite salifert test kit my intrusctions say add 1 ml of water with the syringe is it a typo because it didnt come with a syringe and does it mean 10mls as the plastic water container has a 10ml mark on it so that would make sense
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