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Everything posted by Seth
HI richard helped me out heaps with my tank i recomend going in and bugging him when you feel the need. I had a few hermit crabs in my tank they were great once the food gets on the ground my seahorses were pretty dopey when it comes to finding it so the hermits were good for clean up. I added tropical type shells for the hermits that were coulurfull to look at and revmoved the old shells as they grew looking quite cool. Dont add fish though I tryed a gobie type fish (i think) from a rock pool he would activally push the seahorses out of the way for food they cant compete with fish.
Whanaki go right round to brookers bay there is some great rock pools around there!! Its were i got all my bits an peices for my seahorse tank.
Hey just wondering did you get these off richard at the pet store in town.
Lol so I like black angel fish and i am pretty sure i have two black males and 2 striped female angles. I was going to try and find some nice black females and breed more black angel fish but thats a bad idea due to bad problems with tumors etc. So breeding over a veiltail silver would be a good idea. Now then a silver is a fish with no stripes?? or just a striped silver angel fish like i own ??
Yes i have been thinking and they are such nice fish ( i brought them of a breeder on trademe same guy i got my female dwarf gouramis) that if im going to breed them i might as well breed more nice fish, so im going to buy more blacks and try and breed some. I love black angel fish and i really dont like marbled fish at all. I would like to go down the gene road as i have bred birds (love birds, indian ringnecks, finches etc) and have a simple understanding of genitic inheritance if any one is ever interested .
I have left guppy fry in a tank all togeather with lots of plants and basically no water changes well one every 2 months maybe and a once a day feeding. And they grew slowly and the girls got pregnant early and they didnt get very big full stop. I have also put a batch of guppy fry from the same stock into a small tank with a sponge filter and have fed once a day heavily but with about 4 three quarter water changes a week and the growth was amazing seemed to get bigger 3 times as fast. So ill listen to the older guys on here any day.
Whangarei Aquarium Centre in Cameron Street is definitly the best they have helped me out heaps.
Run a pipe and run a cord from under the house my garage is supplyed with power this way. just make sure if you sell the house you cut the ends of the cord so your not liable for any thing. I did this at the advice of a electricion mate of my fathers lol. your actually supposed to get a certified electricion to do it by law and get it certified/registerd with the concill thats why ill be cutting mine when i leave this place lol.
Ive never really even considered breeding them before it just that they seem to have formed this pair and i have some spare tanks and have breed and am breeding, drawf gouramis,fighters, dainos, whiteclouds, guppys lol, and a new challenge would be fun. dont think ill be thinking beyound the fry from these two. Does it work like a certian percetage would be black and a certain percentage would be striped etc. Or is one colour dominant so all the fry will carry that colour??
The two that appeared to have paired up are a striped and a black quite nice looking fish too better than ones ive seen i the petstore any way
Hey Feelers are you still going to go the octopus cold water marine way? your rock should have al sorts of goodies in it make sure you post what your up too as i want to do something similer in the future.
Sorry if its a stupid question i brought 4 young angels from a breeder via trademe theve grown up now and two seem to be attacking the other 2 relentlessly and sticking together I take it this means those 2 have paired up ? is there any issues with breeding different coulor angelfish together etc?
what about a pin through the rhizone would that hurt the plant you think ??
I think I know the petstore you got it from they have black beard alge in all there tanks. If you want some real good fish advice go into the petstore in the cbd and ask to talk to richard hes a real knowledgeable guy.
Blueandkims tank is imppressive so many ideas so little money lol At the moment im considering a big cube type tank with two levals a deep leval with a slopeing java/wistera/moss wall to a higher leval with emergent plants and a planter on the back wall of the tank above the top of the emgent plant foliage with damp loving ferns etc that would hang down to meet the top of the emergent plants. i have a very basic paint outline type pic but i havent masterd posting them yet
thanks caryl will do right away
Im long way of starting yet but i'll defintly give it a go some time. So like a raised erea at the back and sides, and maybe on the underwater wall of the raised bit i could do a mesh moss/javafern wall so it wouldnt look bare at the bottom levals maybe lean the glass towards the back a little so it like flows from the bottom to the top leaval ?? make any sense?
Just my personal opinoin but I dont like this tank at all I think it looks crowded and unatural i'm surprised so many people like it. Wouldnt the same tank decorated well and stocked with one or 2 or even 3 plecos, plus those cardinals (or neons i cant really tell from here) and discus look way better ??
Im thinking about making one of these one day, using plants that can grow up out of the water i read that some of them flower ect quite welli think it could look stunning kinda like a garedn on top with a fish tank below. Just wondering if anyone has any ideas or if anyones done it allready.
I keep honey gouramis, banded gouramis, and Dwarf gouramis, The key with the dwarfs is to get healthy stock in the first place which can be hard to find in the petstores. Try trade me I got my females of there, my males all came from the petstores but i treated them for whitespot in there own tank for 2 weeks before adding them to the comunity tank. I love them lol (go for the largest most bluest males just my opinion).
Under controll i do a water change every 2 weeks i scoop out as much as i can while im draining the water out. It seems pretty easy to controll to me
I have duckweed growing in all my tanks as i think it helps me to keep them low maintance by useing nutreints from the water kinda like a buffer against anything going wrong. I simply scoop nearly all of it out every 2 weeks or so and the remaining bits grow like mad again. I found this article on the effects of plants especailly floating ones and it seemed to confirm what im doing. http://www.practicalfishkeeping.co.uk/p ... cle_id=391 Just wondering at every one elses experiences thoughts.
Just a question how big is the bubble nest supposed to be and do they need floating plants to make it if so what kind and how much ??
Hi there from TOKOROA seahorse fan setting up a tank
Seth replied to shaz03's topic in Beginners Corner
I found them harder than a tropical salt tank 2 main problems 1. keeping the water cold think its not a problem just wait untill summer 2. feedind they eat frozen mysis or brine shrimp the brine shrimp isnt supposed to be a pernament food sorce tho. And they have short digestive systems meaning there supposed to be eating a lot and eating all day not easy with frozen food. And that leads to the problem of the nitrate levals etc so many water changes......... In short i had 4 of these guys they were great interesting and i loved them but after I kept it up for a year they survived but never gained condition only lost it. So i gave up and got rid of them. Need a good skimmer and either a cold basement to put the tank in or a chilller $$$$$$$$ Good luck -
Are the Red dwarf Gouramis and the blue dwarf Gouramis one species or two species I thought they where just coulor variations of the same species but i read on a fish website that they werent. The reason I ask is I have 1 Red Dwarf male and 2 genetically blue Females and the male doesnt show any interest really. any info would be appreiacated