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Everything posted by Seth

  1. I love these fish I looked on the net for hours for info on how to breed them and What I ended up with was that you need 2 or more and that it seems to happen after a waterchange well sometimes............. I have given up but i have a policy of keeping lots of these little guys in each tank because most of the succselful breeding where with groups as far as I could tell. I know that the 5 I have in my communtiy tank seem to always be together or in pairs traviling about so who knows maybe something will happen one day.
  2. Seth

    My new Africans

    I dont think they are a pair as they both seem to have egg spots and one was supposed to be yellow one dark right?? well the yellow one took the coureir trip by himself as an exuse to change darker I guess so i have two dark male auratus lol they dont even seem that aggresive espeaically in comparision to the hornets but I am watching all carefully Does any one know of auratus females for sale any where or more hornet(Pseudotropheus Crabro Aka) females for that matter. Doesnt seem to be much around.
  3. Seth

    My new Africans

    I received the First fish for my New malawi tank today 5 FISH FROM MYSTIC 2 Pseudotropheus Crabro Aka: Bummble bee or hornet 2 Melanochromis Auratus and one lab yellow female Seroisly cool fish Ive been looking forward to them for a while now Will be kept out of main tank untill I get it populated with some red top trewa and psedotrophus zebras and Electric yellows so so cool
  4. Seth

    An idea for fry

    Sorry typo I have lots of microworms i always have them. I dnt have ne white morms at the moment but am setting up a culture soon but i meant microworms lol.
  5. Seth

    An idea for fry

    Awesome I can get poly from where I work thanks for that idea I have lots of white worms so yeah its gonna be all good Id say also when they get bigger I may put some wingless friut fly cultures above the barrell would that be a good food for them Id think so but fill me in if im wrong.
  6. Seth

    An idea for fry

    I think im gonna try i do live in the winterless north but were getting some cold nights etc it would be in the shade on the hottest part of the day and it would be Heated with a heater and water circulation would be with a small bubbler split off my main line it would be right out side my garage and all plugs etc would be inide Im putting a rasied wooden lid on it with 1cm mesh so they should be safe from rats, kingfishers, cats etc I think ill feed generously with white worm in the after noon and set up a small tank or large jar for insofuria inside the garge and run a drip line outside into the tank I would get the culture up and running well before the fry were in there I think it will be a realitively low maintance set up Also im changing the container Im going to use A Large plastic Barrell about 70Liters
  7. Seth

    An idea for fry

    I could feed Micro worms as well as I always have these on hand just an idea ..... with my job I could never feed 4 times a day so maybe outside with liquid fry add for insoforia and feeding once at night with micro worms would work ??
  8. Would a large plastic container about 50cm x 100cm x 60cm Outside in the open with Java Moss oxyweed and a raised lid with mesh to keep out birds etc It would be heated to 26C and have either a small power head or bubbler Would betta fry raise them selves in this enviroment would they get natraul food insoforia insects etc Would be completely by them selves would place them there when they are free swimming would not feed untill big enough to eat normal food eccettera What do you think bad idea good idea won't work, will work,???
  9. Seth

    Cockatoo Cichlid

    Hi I just went to my LFS to look at some africans as I setting up a large malawi tank at the moment (getting some fish from mystic!!) any way I walked out with 1 male and 2 female double reds for $50, I couldnt leave them I dont usually go for non african cichlids but man these guys especially the male look cool. there going in a 45cm x 120cm x 45cm tank at 27C with about 10 WCMM and a 2 leopard danios oh and 1 lonley bumble bee gobie Does any one see any problems What should I use for caves Tips on spawning them etc
  10. Isnt there a lone male Copadichromis borleyi for sale on trademe If thats right i know what i would be doing
  11. Has any one seen these in our lfs's they supposed to be brilliant alge controllers for planted tanks hair alge etc
  12. Sea Urchins are easy to keep Ive got one that has doubled in size and i dont feed him anything he just eat the alge on the tank walls
  13. SO feelers have you managed to find a octopus yet If i remember you wre gonna keep one right??
  14. Thanks reef Have been wanting to ask that question for ages but felt too dumb
  15. Random question exuse me if its stupid I have one 150 watt halide 10000k over my small tank I noticed every one else combines 10000k halides with some sort of fluro blue lighting as well Is this just a personal preference thing I.e making the water bluer making it look nicer Or do 10000 K bulbs not have quite the spectrum that is needed for most corals and does the blue lighting supply that extra needed part of the spectrum. ???
  16. Ive got two kina in my cold water tank there cool Thats my two cents
  17. Seth

    Brackish tank

    The gap at the top is probably so he can observe the archer fish "spit" these fish spit at insects above the water to make them fall down to eat them very cool to watch I have two myself
  18. Seth

    Brackish tank

    Well done sir I like the fact you have left enogh room at the top to actually see the archer fish spit at stuff great fun Where did you find the figure8s I want some but they seem to be hard to find at the moment ? awesome job like the wood need some mudskippers maybe?
  19. Seth

    Tiny Bubbles

    Thanks I think my skimmer outlet is to close to my pump (duh) I moved it and have seen a marked inprovement Still some though In that your baffles how does the water run through them ? Is it coming over the top of the last piece of glass and gong through the eggcrate wouldnt that make more bubbles?
  20. Seth

    Tiny Bubbles

    Sorry if this is a dumb newbi question But my display tank is fulled with tiny micro bubbles How do I get rid of them What usually causes them etc any help would be much appreicateid
  21. They are good for something lol Like for my 2 turtles gets them moving after something its great fun
  22. I think docs being a bit over the top with the whole turtle thing they cant breed in our enviroment but they can survive outside the most they will ever do is eat fish and tadpoles insects etc like there are turtles out there in plauge proportions eating our native fish away to extinction. At the most there is they occaisional escaped pet that is living in our waterways. And in citys where they are realised into ponds the most they probably do is control gabuisa
  23. SO what ype of octo where you thinking of getting theres one that stays quite small i think it lives in scallop shells or something
  24. Nah i was kidding it would take a bit more than that to offend me each to their own i suppose
  25. And he insults all the christians on here :lol: like me ......
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