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Gareth and Dena are Proud Parents!


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Some of you may know we set up a 3ft tank for my son Gareth and his partner Dena. They live in Christchurch. It was a combined birthday present for them both and her dad made the cabinet and we supplied the tank and equipment. Gareth and Dena chose the fish.


As you may notice, the tank is against a hole in the wall between the lounge and kitchen so has a bench behind it (it also explains the electric jug in the background)


The tank was set up in June (already cycled the Jebo 819 on my tank) and stocked immediately.

Thursday he emailed to say the angels had laid eggs (they hadn't noticed) and were now guarding wrigglers. I warned him they would not last as the other fish would eat them but they were still alive and being looked after on Saturday.


He said they watch the fry drop to the bottom and the parents pick them up and spit them back onto the leaf.


It will be interesting to see how many (if any) survive.

They have had one death since setting up. Here is what happened - in Gareth's own words...

"I forgot to tell you the other day, when we got those hengelli rasboras from Redwoods there was a single random fish in with them. I think it was a glowlight tetra or something like that. Either way, it was given to us when the guy scooped up the hengellis. The other day I went to make my lunch and there was something on the bench that looked like a leaf and I went to brush it away and it's eyes caught the light and I realised that it was that fish and somehow it had jumped out of the back of the tank (which is a very small gap) and rather than falling on the floor behind the tank it somehow managed to get over all the plugs that are there and flip-flopped all the way over towards the kitchen floor. No idea how it got that far but it's the first fish to die and it looks like suicide (or maybe he was pushed) rather than natural causes. All the bloody old neons from the old tank are still going amazingly enough."

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