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My name is Helen. I have recently moved down to Upper Hutt and just getting into the Tropical fish scene.

We have a couple of 4 ft tanks already with Firemouths, Neons, Angels and Plecos.

An Oscar is the fish i am interested in and hopefully we get one in the near future *fingers crossed*

I have met a few of ya before with Jono and our visits around the place and hope to get to know a few more.

Look forward to talking with ya

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Hey jude and Mystic,

Thanks for the welcome!

SpidersWeb is my boyfriend and with the growing number of fish tanks in our house (3 turned into 5 last weekend) thought i would have a go at it too.

I personally dont know much about fish, only what i have learnt in the past couple of months from reading posts on here and Jono sharing his knowledge.

Oh and we got Gold Severums and Algae eaters too.

Getting quite a lil collection we are.

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congrats you two! a 300L for one oscar (and even a pair of FM's if you would like to put a pair in there :wink: ) is a great size, once hes hit 10" youll see why they need all that room :lol:

invest in heater guards for your heaters in his tank also (only a few bucks each), while most oscars are ok you get the few nutters (like mine) who go nuts at nightime or just be their usual clumsy selves and can crack them with not so nice things following that :o

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