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Dive Rarotonga


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Diving in Rarotonga was a big disappointment there are no corals to speak of the reefs look dead, there are a lot of Christmas tree worm colonies but not much else.

The fish are great and I have got a few photos of these to show.

We had a few nice days but it rained a lot which turned the lagoon into silt filled water not good for snorkelling and not so good visibility on the outer reef for diving.

All in all I wouldn't go there for diving again Fiji was much better.

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Fay - Shame Raro didn't deliver the good for you, although its probably not fair to say its like that everywhere. Reefs get destroyed by the weather etc. I just had a friend come back from Raro, an experanced dive with over 1000 logged dives. he loved it, said that the hard coral reefs he dived were stunning and send me some outstanding photos, including large shoals of bump head warasses in schools. It depends where you go and when.

Tonga - I've just come back from 2 weeks diving in Tonga, mostly in the Vavau island group. Some of the nicest hard coral diving i've ever seen. Temprature was 22 degrees in the water. 9/10.

Fiji - Diving on the coral coast is poor, but elsewhere can be stunning. Kadavu in particular (the Great Astrolab Reef) is awesome. Fiji is famous world wide for its soft corals.


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Reefs get destroyed by the weather etc. I just had a friend come back from Raro, and experanced dive with over 1000 logged dives. he loved it

Yes that is what they said cyclones stuffed it up big time, where in Raro did he dive must have been the outer islands?

Bummer Fay That must have been a major letdown after building up for it. Sorry to rub it in but Fiji was brilliant diving

Yea did Fiji last year Taveuni thats where we learnt to dive absolute fab

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what depth were those eels at?

The first three were somewhere between 16 to 12 mtrs

The yellow one on the end was in the lagoon 3 to 2 mtrs

Loved the eels

The shark was not interested in getting his photo taken he was resting in the rocks and when I went down to take his photo he buggered off.

Did you notice the state of the reef (not good)

Photos not to bad I have had to edit them because of the weather making the water not very clear and it is the first time I have taken underwater photos.

Some more photos to follow

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