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Holiday Feedings for Discus


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Hi I have five juvenile discus (about 1/3 to 1/2 size) and am going away for 4 days. They have been eating only frozen bloodworms up untill now, which is what the pet store was feeding them.

My question is would I be better not to feed them for the 4 days or set up an automatic feeder to supply them with a small amount of another dry food that they might or might not eat.

Thanks in advance


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Caryl said...

> Personally, I would not feed them.

I'm with Caryl on this one.

Nothing worse than coming home to find your auto-feeder has

broken and dumped the lot into the tank on day 1...

Since they're well past being baby discus, a couple of days

with no food shouldn't hurt them at all and, as Caryl said once

again, might make them a bit more enthusiastic about other

foods when you return. You'll probably find your tank really

clean too...


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You say the discus are 1/3 to 1/2 size and regularly fed blood worms, they should be fine going 4 days without feeding.

Also when you come back don't go straight back into the bloodworm routine. Try them on flake or something else - see if you can ween them from their expensive habit. Also they may benefit from a varied diet.

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I wouldn't worry to much about feeding them it it is only for 3 _4 days . You could give them a bit extra bloodworm before you leave and possibly put a few daphina in the tank to keep them happ . Advantages of livefood it doesn't die untill it is eaten

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agree with above re not feeding for the few days you are away. Like dave said the beauty of feeding live daphina is that they do not pollute the tank. Another beauty is that the discus actually have to catch their own breakfast, dinner and tea when feed them :)

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