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Stocking 110L with Dwarfs


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I agree, three Cockatoos (Apistogramma cacatuoides) "Triple Reds" would go great in a tank that size. They prefer to be in harems, so you'd probably want to look at one male and two females. You can't beat them for colour 8) http://www.apistogramma.com/cms/index.p ... &Itemid=44 The ones that I've seen at lfs's recently look much like that.

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They look great. How many should I get all up and should I just keep it as a one species tank of is it better to throw some others in there as well....

I was going to get just one larger fish but then I thought that a school of the smaller ones would be much more interesting.

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Personaly I'm a fan of the Apistogramma agassizi http://www.aquariofilia.online.pt/peixe ... assizi.jpg

I think they are lovely and the females are very gracefull. Personaly I'd throw in a trio of them, probably a pair of blue rams and maybe a pair of kribs (but the kribs do get bigger and can be rather teritorial so.....) But that would be me.

Curently I've got, in my 4 footer 1 trio of Apistogramma agassizis, 2 pairs of albino kribs and 1 cockato (surviving one from a batch of 4 I got) along with cory's, guppies, platties, GBA's, danios, 2 moonlight gouramis and 2 burnt orange dwarf gouramis. Oh yes let's not forget the albino red tailed shark that's in there.

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Personaly I'm a fan of the Apistogramma agassizi http://www.aquariofilia.online.pt/peixe ... assizi.jpg

I think they are lovely and the females are very gracefull. Personaly I'd throw in a trio of them, probably a pair of blue rams and maybe a pair of kribs (but the kribs do get bigger and can be rather teritorial so.....) But that would be me.

Curently I've got, in my 4 footer 1 trio of Apistogramma agassizis, 2 pairs of albino kribs and 1 cockato (surviving one from a batch of 4 I got) along with cory's, guppies, platties, GBA's, danios, 2 moonlight gouramis and 2 burnt orange dwarf gouramis. Oh yes let's not forget the albino red tailed shark that's in there.

We also like the Apistogramma agassizi very much! Only problem is that ours turned out to be very aggressive towards Gouramis and Neon Tetras. Just thought I'd give a little heads-up :)

Blue Butterfly Rams are very pretty, peaceful and friendly - they are also fairly easy to breed apparently :) Here's a link to see a profile on them: http://www.aquatic-hobbyist.com/profile ... ueram.html

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  • 2 years later...

Agassizi is cool alright but aggresive compared to others. My cockatoos always seemed quiet compared.

All apistos are heartbreakers though if you're not fastidious about tank upkeep, and they require more territory than you think. While tempting I wouldn't put any more than a pair or trio per 2ft of tank bottom space.

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