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geophagus surinamensis


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Just bought two little guys, as i have always wanted them. Yay!

I have them in a tank with:

1 x Adult Male Severum

1 x Semi-Adult Angelfish

2 x Hoplo Cats

1 x 6" Fire Eel

1 x 5" Native Eel

1 x 6" Clown Knife

2 x Locharta Loaches (aka yoyo or Pakistan)

1 x 7" Common Plec

1 x 6" Red Spot Plec

Aside from the Severum following them, there does not seem to be any issues yet.

The tank is 4 foot, and there is plenty of swimming places, and hiding Places too.

Any ideas or advice?


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Ok... so they have been in the tank for a few hours now, ( about 6hrs) and i have noticed that they are fighting with each other. :roll:

Will more of these guys stop the fighting or is it just a little squable to sort out who owns what in the tank?


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Yeh it is probably just sorting out the pecking order. if its 2 males then you will probably always have the little running battles, depends on how strongly they feel about owning the space they are after. Adding more won't do much other than add to your problems, as a pair will be liable to form hence giving you more problems.

As Mystic said what you have in the tank is short term, you will end up having to go bigger, tank wise.

Frenchy :D

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I have Surinamensis and Jurapari together in a big 6ft tank along with Corys etc... If you actually read up about them on the net, they actually are very much a docile fish, only really getting feisty around spawning time... And the Geo Jurapari certainly doesn't deserve it's common name Devil Fish, they are far from it :lol: I have some young fish in the tank that could be consumed by the Geos however, they don't even bat an eye at them. They really are an awesome fish and once you have the Suri's you won't want to part with them :lol:


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i also have Surinamensis and Jurapari together are they great together my geo jurapari (my little snappers) are just starting to dig there pit to breed ... only thing ive noticed is they get a bit stroppy with one another now with breeding but dont hassle any other fish just keep them away from the breeding area which is normal..... both these breeds get bad raps but there so placid and will hand feed and play at feeding e.t.c... one of my fav fish and everybody that comes wants to no how snapper can surive in fresh water (can hae a bit of fun at times) :lol:

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Hi Ya :D

Great news that your Jurapari are looking to breed! Mine just spawned on a crypt of all things :lol: Silly woman then kept tugging at the leaf and ripped the darn thing off :lol: Better luck next time round I hope!


Hawkes Bay

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This tank is just temp, ti everything gets a itte bigger, (odd their is a etter not working on my keyboard.. can you guess which one.. :lol: )

I do have a bigger tank, just sitting there waiting.

My Yoyo's seem to give more grief then any of the others.

My knife has not even noticed them i think, yet.

I have wanted these forever, so i happy i know have them.

Not sure on the sex yet... too young, but if they turn out to be two boys then i guess one has to go to a new tank, ( have another being made this weekend )


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I have a large 6" + Geo,I have yet to see one this big anywhere, I call him Snappa as he is usualy a bit snappy to others. He will bump all of the larger fish in the tank - Clown Loaches, Pleco but he will leave the small fish alone. None of this is serious nipping though just a slight bump or a chase to let everyone know he's there.

These are a beautifull fish arent they with their red and blue flash in their scales, and those long fins.

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