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too much current


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Can you turn the out-let so thats its facing the glass?

tried that it just rebounds back

Or get a Spray Bar?

I dont know it it would fit one

Or put a Clamp on the hose?

there is no hose, its internal

Filter Wood around the Intake

i will try this

Plant the plants better and get some fish that aren't wimps and can handle a little current

I dont want my plants to grow sidways! :lol:

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Hey Sheelly,

You'll notice that internals slow down quite a bit once they've been running for a little while and have a good layer of gunk but you'll be back to square one every time you give it a clean. My advice is to pack in a few extra sponges or wool - whatever filter media you usually put in there. An internal filter with wool wrapped around the outside looks a bit silly. I did an experiment where I controlled the intake flow by wrapping an internal with plastic with holes cut but I don't really recommend that.

Give the extra padding a go and see how it works.

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that was a bit harsh IRA :-?

I agree with bandk bulk up the media to slow the rate. only clean half the media at a time. my ar126 (baby tank) has 2 layers of wool one always dirty to slow the flow and be the bacterial media and one that is cleaned and rotate them :lol:

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im just going to get a canister filter.

Now thats what I'm talking about.

Jebo range available at Hutt Pets (I got my 810 and 819 from there), or if you want to get all fancy pants, AquaFunDay at Animates tomorrow, might be able to score a nice Ehiem or Fluval.

Jebos come with all the media etc you need, and they're cheap as chips (well granted thats a LOT of chips but yano).

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I lost my receipt :oops: but from memory I paid $130 for my 810 (900L/hr) including media, spray bar etc, and about $170 for my 819 (1200L/hr).

819 is HUGE, has like 8 trays. Both came with little drip trays too, so when you take the lid off nothing gets on the carpet. My 819 even had a bag of activated carbon with it.

Only Fluval I've had before was a 404 about 2-3 years ago, and it wasn't anything special. Never had an Eheim.

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I have bought 3 Jebo 819s so far and am impressed. How they go long-term I will have to wait and see. The oldest is just over 12 months now and only cleaned once (thought we ought to do so but it didn't really need it).

I believe the Fluvals have a 3 year warranty. The cheaper Jebo's only have 1 year.

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