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guppy problem


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i'm having issues with my gups. it's got to the point where i'm losing 1 a day. they are only 6mths old at most, so its not old age.

its a 4ft tank containing:

2 BN's

2 peppered cories

and my girl gups / breeding boys / fry

plants are java moss, java and indian fern, and a plant i got from jude (not sure of name)

parameters, as of saturday 01-07-06

PH: 6.2

Ammonia: 0.25

Nitrite: 0

Nitrate: 40

GH: 3 50

KH: 4 60

Temp: 24oC

i have since done a 20% water change.

any ideas as to what the cause may be?

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You will find a number of posts in the past with people losing guppies for no apparent reason. Mainly females I think.

But your ammonia should be 0 and the nitrates less than 25.

The pH is a little acidic for guppies too.

What was a ammonia and nitrate after the water change?

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the thing that gets me is it is sudden. mark checked the tank this morning at 9am, so i wouldn't have to take another body out, but they were all swimming around fine.

when i checked at 11am, there was one laying dead on the java moss.

it seems to be the girls i'm losing, but they are still dropping fry. now if they were stressed by anything, would they not abort??

this is just so frustrating :evil: and its getting to the point where i'm wondering if i should just give up. :(

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first things first.... DONT GIVE UP!!!!

There is obviously some sort of disease or similiar in the tank that is slowly killing off one at a time, are there any signs of what they have died of??

for example:

I keep having harlequins die one after the other. one will get fungus on a fin and then be dead the next morning. i have tried pretty much everything possible to no avail.

Im starting to think that it may be guppy disease as mystic mentioned, i dont know anything about guppy disease but you may want to have a google and find out what the symptoms etc are.

Hope you can sort it out!!


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is it possible they are weak genetically? not sure if fish can get things like liver and heart failure if theyre weak genetically but its possible, they might still look nice but might have some faults inside somewhere. whatever it is has to be very fast moving, perhaps a post mortem and some checks done for bacteria or something?

these fish in question dont look emaciated before dying or anything do they? are they just swimming around perfectly fine and looking good and then die? there isnt any chance of poisining?

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sometimes i can tell that they are going to die.

what happens is they try to lodge themselves into a plant to stay upright.

i noticed this with the one that died last night. if they can't, then they swim awkwardly and start to sink while trying to get to the surface.

i do have an airstone in the tank so i don't think it's lack of oxygen

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esdot has had a thought, so far we have had one boy die 3 days ago, he was our first. since then we have only lost girls, the olny major change we have had to what appears to be an otherwise healthy tank, population explosion with fry, is the addition of a new boy, about a week ago, who we have just removed, to his own tank.

Is it possible that some sort of STD, has been brought into the tank, like aids or such, we know its way out there, but as there are just girls dying, except for our sword tail boy, we are trying to go through all possible scenarios.

Your thoughts please.

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are they ones that look like they are going to die have clamped fins?

are their body bent in a funny angle?

do they move really fast and dont seem to get anywhere?

are their gill plates open wider than normal and seems very red then normal?

all these would help. i do feel sorry for u having to go though this but hang in there and hopefully one of us can help u out. DONT GIVE UP

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are they ones that look like they are going to die have clamped fins?


are their body bent in a funny angle?

No. Though they do end up upside down.

do they move really fast and dont seem to get anywhere?

Not really. they seem more tired than anything

are their gill plates open wider than normal

only nearer to the end. they also start to breathe heavier too

and seems very red then normal?

No redness

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how about change in color?

no change

or wasting away and not eating?

healthy appetites

have u tried any medication yet?

i have tried melafix, salt and tonic on the individuals that i know are sick, to no avail.

i haven't dosed the whole tank yet as i have to try and remove the bristlenoses first. not an easy task in a four foot tank when they are only 2 inches long :D

i'm doing water changes every few days as i don't want to recycle the tank if i take too much out.

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thanks sharn, tsar is going to call the lfs and try to obtain some,

meanwhile we have just lost a boy


Lost colour, eyes bulging, body a little bent, almost looks like oxygen deprivation.

From what im thinking this isn't the guppie diesease, from what we know of it, but more a new type of which seems to be killing the girls, and the occasional boy. possible transferred through the mating process.

Just a theory, but becoing a little more solid, as we watch the losses.


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i have added furan to the tank (hey, i'm willing to try anyone's suggestions once at the moment) :)

the tank has gone a nice shade of green, as the packet said it would, and even my cories are more active now.

Q. is it possible to get gay guppies?? because a few of my boys don't seem interested in the girls, just each other :-? :oops: :lol:

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It's possible he brought in a contagion. I also wonder about the recent population explosion, though you wouldn't expect them to go kaput at a lowish ammonia reading.

I'd be doing daily 20% water changes as well as trying to get the pH up a bit.

Here's a thought. Back when I first started breeding mollies I made the mistake of going off for a weekend without putting something over my filter intake in case they dropped fry while I was gone. They did, the fry got sucked into my filter and decomposed. I came back to pure carnage. Have you had a peek in your filter to see what's going on? It might even be a good idea to give everything a good rinse or toss into the bin (as applicable), just to remove some possible variables.

EDIT: For some reason the last page didn't show up until after I'd posted. Sounds like you're on the right track! Good luck!

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