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who has tropical eels?

obie trice

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hi all, just wondering who has tropical eels (i.e. fire eel, tire track eel, spiny zebra/peacock eel - is there any others)???

i have read what size they can grow to on the internet but how big are the ones people have here (im just curious, i think they are really cool).

i have a 20cm tire track and a small young 7cm fire eel.

also how often do u feed them and what? i feed my tire track daily with blood worms and he is greedy and seems to want 2 cubes to himself, but twice i have seen him grab my big black angel by the head!!!!! the angel is not small and i dont know if hes hungry or just picking on him cause i also have young discus in the same tank which are a bit smaller than the angel (not tiny though) and he does not bother them, i have moved the angel out so he is safe and he hasn't gone near the discus.

anyone have any similar experiences?


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I have a fire eel who's about 6 inches or so, and he eats like a pig too. I feed him on blood worm, and occasionally some 'Nutrafin Max, Sinking complete Food Tablets' (sorry but thats what they are called?)

I used to feed him on shrimp, the type you make the cocktails out of, and he liked them, but he dislocated his jaw twice, so i stoped them. I also on occasion catch live freshwater 'shrimp type things' from the streams in the Waitakeres, and he hunts them down at night.

My other eel is a Native Fresh water eel, who is only a baby, about 4-5 inches long. He eats blood worm, and anything he can scavange off the bottom.

Both live together with other fish and i have seen no problems yet. My Hoplo cats bother them a little at feeding time, but it is just a tickle then they're off.

My fire eel is really tame and will come and sit in my hand at feeding time if i dare put my hand in the water. (my Clown Knife like to taste test my fingers!)


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i haven't got any,but have had. i lost my big guy(fire eel) he was as thick as my arm and twice the size of a ruler.beware they get very strong when old he managed to push 10ml glass lid away from the corner where the inflow went into tank.didn't find him till morning he was still alive but very dryed out,he died 2 days later.i'd had him for years he ate frozen shrimp and prawns and garden worms and i fed every second day,he had another two eels in with him a gold top batiki and another fire eel, as they got bigger they started to fight,that could be what spooked him to commit harry-carry.


anyways hope this is of some help.


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Nope - had some - not now thou!

Im juss waiting to hear back from someone about one, so heres hoping!

Eels are one of my favourites tho, I do really like them!

(Wok owes me a large Eel!) :lol:

Well it's good i said excuse me if i'm wrong. :bounce:

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they have the pattern of a tyre track eel,but along their back the colour is gold.real pretty stands out. redwood aquatics get them in from time to time, pay around 60-100 depending on size.

well worth getting grow big like the fire-eel. :lol:


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Sorry not into eels at all remind me too much of...ssssnnnaakkes :o:o:o

They sure sound like they are fun to watch though with their antics but their shape gives me shivers :o

dislocated his jaw twice

Are you serious? How did you fix it?

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