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My tank is 600mm deep, 160 ltr cube. pH 7.0, external filter, twin 15w fluro light.

I have noticed the taller plants in my tank are developing a blackish grey long algae over leaves closest to the top of the tank. No leaves below say 200mm deep have this algae. Is this just the higher amount of light at the surface promoting the algae?

How can I remove this as I dont wish to prune the plants?

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Flourish Excel will rid of those ugly hair algae.

double dose according to instruction and wait for two weeks or so.

the BBA will starts to turn pink and will soon disappear. do a 50% water change after that for the next two week and you are back to normal.

be aware, they can come back if your water condition did not improve.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hair algae were there in the first place could be due to a number of reason.

obvious one will be water change which will sell buffet your water, KH.

irregular water change

not keeping the right parameter

not vacuuming out the dead leave

too much or too little fertilser

too much or too little sun light or aritificial light

too much or too little co2

can cause algae to grow.

algae is part of the eco system hense if you have plants, you wil have algaes.

the key is to keep it under control.

CO2 is necessary in the long run to keep your weed in good competition for nutrience against the algae.

the plant may appear to grow but i can assure that lagae is not too far away if one of those steps are not kept balance.

keep you plant growing and healthy and algae will be far away.


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