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I have a aggresive yellow gourami that has killed a couple of neon tetra's and is attacking the other yellow gourami that I have and I want to remove it from the tank overnight until I can get to the shop tomorrow morning to replace it. I only have the one tank which is a couple of weeks old so I can't put it in another tank. Whats the best thing to do with it so it survives the night but doesn't kill any more fish.



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Hi there cldlr76.. welcome to the forums.

Gouramies are Anabantoids.. in other words, they breathe surface air.. so if you have a decen sized tupperware container or something, you could float it on the surface of you exiting tank for a night or so... it will be fine.

Don't overfeed it while it is in there.. and ensure the water is kept clean.

If you are going to transport the fish.. make sure the bag is well inflated with 2/3rds air.. and one third water.

HTH :)

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Thanks for the replies.

Whats with the gold (I realised they are gold not yellow) gouramis. I got two on Saturday with 4 dwarf blue's and on Monday night one of the golds (apparently the female) killed the other gold one. So on Tuesday the shop kindly replaced the killer with two new ones and today the neons got killed and the aggresive one was chasing the other one around the tank but it is leaving the blues alone. Are the golds just rather aggresive or have I been unlucky? Should I give up with the golds? and just stick with the blues?

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I have never found golds to be particularly aggressive. What sex and size are the other two?

I have found I cannot keep gouramis and dwarf gouramis in the same tank (although others have) as the dwarfs get intimidated by their larger cousins.

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I have only got two golds, I replaced the orginal aggressive one and the dead one with two new ones but have wound up with another aggressive one. I have got one of each sex, and they are apparently (according the LFS) small, just slightly bigger than the dwarf's

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Caper says "Wouldn't that be too stressful for the fish?"

Of course it would be but probably not as much stress as the fish it killed or is bullying would be under... :lol:

I had a similair thing a few years ago with a 3 spot blue gourami and I just got rid of them altogether.

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I took my "aggressive" gold back to the shop today and they tested my water for me and the ammonia was a little high (somewhere between .25 and .50) so they recommended I do a 50% water change which I did. My question is how do you use the gravel cleaner device to change the water without disturbing the plants and their roots? Do you have to replant the plants after each water change?

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You carefully move the siphon around the plants taking care to disturb them as little as possible. You should not have to replant every time you siphon as you should not have uprooted the plant.

It pays to not siphon too closely to the plants anyway as they draw the nutrients in through their root system and if you clean too thoroughly directly around a plant you will rob it of nutrients.

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