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Visit planetcatfish and look up specific catfish that you're thinking about. Panaques of all kinds are good tank mates as they live in the higher temperature range but prefer chewing on wood to sucking on glass. Other than that, here's a few recommendations with common names -

Snowball Pleco

Gold Nugget Pleco

Goldie/Sunshine Pleco

Chocolate Zebra Pleco

Bristlenose catfish

Royal Panaques (sometimes called Royal Plecos)

Clown Pleco

The list goes on and on and on. The main thing is to make sure that you're not putting a cooler climate catfish in with high temperature discus or it will shorten their life span.

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Oh, and avoid common plecos (plecostomus hypostomus) or any of the red-spot, gold-spot or other colour variants. I've had common plecs attack discus ruthlessly tearing off flesh and scales and it's really not something that I'd wish on any discus.

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Oh, and avoid common plecos (plecostomus hypostomus) or any of the red-spot, gold-spot or other colour variants. I've had common plecs attack discus ruthlessly tearing off flesh and scales and it's really not something that I'd wish on any discus.

I still suggest redspots, I love redspots.:) Don't like discus.;)

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