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ph gone from 6.8 to 8.4??


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:x Grrr.. not happy. Our new tank seems to have developed a crack in the glass at the back. So its going back to the shop, and hopefully being replaced.

We've moved all the fish back to their original tiny tanks. We still had the tank (that we had the rainbow shark in) going, as it has live plants in it. Just before we put him in I tested the water and the results were interesting. the pH test water turned VERY blue, bluer than I've ever seen test water go before. So I did a high ph test and that went purple. I'm not all that familar with the high ph test, but compared to the little card it says the water is around 8.4??? When I removed the fish like a week ago the water tested neutral, around 6.8-7.0. How on earth has this happened? I haven't done anything else to the water, just took the fish out?

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Have been keeping an eye on the tank and the pH has been climbing up again, tested at about 7.2 last night? I remembered that I had replaced one of the old filter cartridges with a new one out of the new tank we purchased (so I could introduce the bacteria into the new tank) - could this be the cause??

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I don't see how a new filter could change the pH of your water, unless its something different in your media, but I can't see that either...but those with more knowledge would be a better judge of that!

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Thats what I thought too. The plants have been in there for months, as has everything else. Apart from the new filters of course. But they are the same ones I've been using since I've had the tanks.. cannot understand it at all. The fish seems to be happy though, I am closely monitoring the pH, but really want to get the new tank set up for him as quickly as possible.

Perhaps I should do daily water changes to keep the pH down??

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I've tested it already.. ok well not lately. but last time I tested it (about a week ago) it was pretty neutral.. 6.8-7.0. Our tap water is from a tank that collects rain water so I guess its possible that something has got in the tank, but if that was the case, the water in the other tank would be high too, which its not. But I'll check just to make sure.

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Tap water PH can change, particualry with all the rain we have had lately so I would check it again. Also are you sure you are putting in filter pads? It is possible to buy carbon pads now that look just like filters pads, but they are usually black, carbon shouldn't really change PH, but there might be other pads around now that could affect it.

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Tested the tap water this morning it was 6.8-7.0 (as it normally is). I tested the other tank that has tetras in it, and it was higher too, around 7.2

The filters I have are the ones, that have the white stuff on top and inside it is white stones and the other is the same but with black stones (I assume thats the carbon one). I did some shifting around of filter media between three tanks (to try to introduce some bacteria to the new tank). Thats the only thing that I have changed in the tanks.

I don't know if the tank is heavily aerated.. its just a normal AR380 setup.

My water is quite soft, and someone said that because its soft its prone to pH changes?? Maybe thats whats happening? I've just never seen it do this before..

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  • 2 weeks later...

new tank is all up and running now, have added the fish and again the pH is going up..

It's at about 7.0 last night, tested last week at about 6.8. No ammonia, 5.0ppm or less of nitrate, no nitrites, haven't done kh & gh yet, will do that tonight.

Should I really be worrying about this? If the ph can stay at 7.0 well then thats the perfect ph for a community tank right??

Fish are incredibly active, eating well and behaving normally.

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