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Is it okay to use bore water?


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I am just about to buy an aquarium for cold water fish. We are on bore water which is quite high in iron. Is this okay to use in the tank and will I still need to use the water ager?

Also, if I get a couple of live plants, how do I plant them? Do I just tuck the roots under the stones in the bottom of the tank?

Thanks for any advice.

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You wont need to age it,, but bore water is oftem very hard so you might want to consider this when picking what type of fish you want to keep. Also are you on or near a farm? If so you might have problem with fertizer in the water which will cause algae.

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There is a large fish club in Dunedin with lots of helpful members. Contact Denise at The Pet Warehouse (she is their president) and ask if any members live near you and can tell of any potential problems with the water. She might also be able to recommend fish suited to your water. Take a sample in and see if they can check the pH level for you.

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js, have you had the water analysed? It would be really interesting to see the results here - not just iron but hardness, pH etc etc. With bore water it's likely to be the hardness that will restrict you like suphew said, but that just means it restricts the kinds of fish you can keep, it doesn't mean you can't keep them.

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Thanks for everyones replies. If the water is hard, what can you add to it? I just live on a lifestyle block (3 acres), so don't think there is an issue with fertiliser. Our neighbours do have a rain water tank, would I be better to use some of their water?

Also, can you advise if Blackmoors and fantails will be okay in the hard water. I am just wanting these sort of fish for a start.



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The rain water would be better, soft water gives you alot more options for fish. Although gold fish are pretty hardy and would probably be ok in either. My gold fish are outside in a pond that is only ever had rain water in it.

If you wanted to keep other fish you could use both rain and bore water mixed, the iron in the water would be really good for a planted tank, iron is often a limiting factor for plant growth.

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