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Feeding Corals


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Had the fish feeding subject, I wanted to know your habits on feeding corals and what you use.

Should I feed my corals while my nitrates are running at 25 I feed them once a week at the moment.

One ampoule of reef booster once a week

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Hi Fay

It depends what you call 'feeding' your corals. I feed some form of frozen food once a day to the fish. Especially when its brine shrimp or similar I feed it with a big eye dropper over the top of corals. Different corals getting fed during the course of the week. They often only get the shreds but they seem to appreciate it, even the hammers and like.

I would only intentionally feed corals closer about once a week. Even then they don't get a lot cause the fish/shrimps grab the bigger bits. I endorse the philosophy of feeding moderately but consistently. That way the system can balance itself. One rule for me is to rinse frozen food to toss out the real fine stuff.

One thing I can do is fatten dragonets on all the greeblies!

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did you see that coral fragging video? Eric says that all corals need to be fed, but that if your nitrates are high the algae in the corals will eat it as well as the coral itself, you will end up with too many algae in the coral making them look brown.

I have been using reef booster but just ran out?? hint hint any one who impoorts it! Also feed cylops-ezy, but as Eric says it is too big for some acro's

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dont typically feed the corals, I rely on left over food, 'juice' from frozen food and cleaning the algae off the glass to feed corals. still get awesome growth, not so sure on colour benefits though :-? other than that, cyclopeeze every now and then - dont think its too big so long as you put it in a syringe and shake the s@#$ out of it so the cyclopeeze mostly dissolves. polyp extension is very visible when i put it in the tank

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It's pretty hard to generalise on coral feeding, because there is such a wide variety of requirements.

Some gather food exclusively from the water and contain not symbiots. Some gather the majority of their food from symbiots, and of course there is a spectrum of corals between those two extremes.

I think feeding corals really comes down to the same issue as feeding fish. You want food in the water column, but you don't want nutrients. So what, and how much you feed is limited by your tanks waste removal system. You just don't want the food breaking down causing nutrient problems, you need to remove it before it gets to that stage.

I don't specifically feed corals, mainly because i keep ones which get most of their food from symbiots, and the rest they can easily get from detritus as it's making it's way to the skimmer, waste from fish, and small particles of food from feeding fish.

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did a 200 litre w/c yesterday. last night i have never seen polyp extension that much ever. it was literally amazing, the hydno was double the size simply because all its polyps were out - it was like a big fuzzy ball :D

another thing, how quickly does Ca, Mg and alk get depleted in peoples tanks each week? mine dropped heaps in 1 week, Ca from 420 to 370, Mg from 1350 to 1230, Alk from about 8.5 to 5.2. I gotta up my Ca reactor bubble rate i think to maintain these levels and I'm only at about 60% stocked in corals! (hint hint, anyone with nice SPS frags let me know!)

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new carbon fibre spine implant by surgeon. i went and got some water 2 days before the op thinking id be out of action for a while, looks like i'll be all good super quick. :) uummmmm.....what to do with 900lts :oops: maybe sell it on trade me :wink:

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