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It's Eric Borneman doing an 1 hour, 10 minute workshop on coral fragging. I haven't watched the whole thing but the bits I did see seemed interesting (well at least to me they were)

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Was wondering about the pronunciation myself actually.

The reason for wearing gloves was obviously really valid, but I couldn't help but notice that he goes about touching everything on the workbench (including scratching his face at one point) :o

Also goes to show just what can be done to these animals, as long as they go back into a tank that can support them.

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yeah the gloves thing... guess that puts an end to having a polyp eatng contest :P dont know about others, but i have toughed my slimy leathers and zoanthids before and i aint dead yet. i will be using the ol' tongs a bit more now though i think... you have to wonder how much of that slime ends up in the water collumn and doesnt get skimmed or fried by the UV.

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Like anyone he can talk some crap too. ;-) But yeah he obviously knows his stuff. Pronounciation:


mon-tye-POR-ah (I always pronounce it mon-tee-POR-ah though)

If you want to get technical:


I think British English speakers in the whole have a more intuitive "feel" for the correct Latin pronunciation than American English speakers. (No offence Steve :-) )

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I studied Latin for 2 years, although forgotten much of it now. It has been a dead language for one and a half thousand years. Nobody knows how it was pronounced.

I had a bit of a laugh a while back watching a thing on TV about Eton. Some of them had to give a speech in Latin. This was done in such a posh English accent that I am sure Julius Ceasar would not have been able to understand a word :lol: Even I could not get it all, I was taught by an Italian who had his way to pronounce it.

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True no one knows how it was really pronounced. But people have agreed on a convention for consistency's sake.

They still teach Latin in some schools. We were taught it from form 1 through 4. I remember all the textbooks had illustrations creatively modified, and all the stories seemed to be about puellae. And rope learning declensions, painful.

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Actually sorry Layton I really shouldn't mock.

Just there is academia, and then there is gobledegook. Worrying if someone pronounced their Latin with the Correct English accent, or the Cras American one, struck me as the latter.

I just found it hysterical, had to poke some fun. If anyone said something like that, it would have to be you :lol: .

Anyhow, I did download the video, excellent, has done wonders for my appreciation of Eric, and yes, he is a lot younger than I thought.

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If you mean wee for v etc yeah we were taught old school pronunciation which has a few differences from the taxonomic version. I just think that when British English speaker sound most of the words out, they come closer to the agreed upon pronunciation rather than the American English speakers who seem to come up with different sylabalisations sometimes. Maybe i'm over generalising. But that's what i've come across.

I still don't know how you get a-CROP-ra from acropora though?

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Don't worry you are not over generalising.

You are over academia ising :lol:

You do that a lot, but hey I guess that you've been at Uni for a few years and that does make people go like that.

30 years later you become an old fart like me who has forgotten most of it, and finds life can still go on anyhow :D

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I'm not worried about it. It's just unusual that's all.

And believe me, I am the last person who would be caught over "academia-ising" stuff. I've seen my share of cardigan wearing walkshort and sock wearing unionist uni staff. As well as what I call "professional" academic students. People who couldn't see the forest for the trees.

I was doing engineering, which is basically applied science. There was a massive focus on practicality and reality in our courses, but of course based deeply in science. Many of our lecturers were consulting engineers with businesses outside academia who would "keep it real". But personally I couldn't wait to get out of the place. I'd go insane if I had to spend any longer there. It wasn't the course, just the environment at university, it gets old pretty quickly.

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