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4. She writes up the paperwork, filling it out at $3,280, not $3,200 as discussed. She says "ooops, how about I drop you off a nice bottle of wine once the system is installed instead, will save me writing up the paperwork again".

Sounds pretty sus to me, either a sneaky sales tactic, or she was just too damned lazy to write it up again.

I'd go for the former, and if you did get the wine, would it be worth $80.00, or $8.00?

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i talk to alot of people that have these types of systems installed. there is one company that seems to stick out in regards to all sorts of complaints :o . the various problems all start at the management level. by the way im DVS positive and very happy :lol:

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i am about to organise to have hrv fitted to my house, cheers for the heads up as far as the sales staff or management are concerned,

good to hear the product is working, but is it as good as they claim? and is it really worth $3200 (or $3280 cos givin there track record it will cost you the $80 in time and effort)?

maybe i could organise to have them give me the $80 off my one and you could swap you the $80 for some frags :lol:

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I think I'm like you Chimera, while I dont actually enjoy the fluffing round, I throughly enjoy the idea of "making them pay" for bad service.

The thing is getting your $80 will be very satisfying, :D far more so than just being given the money.

I love complaining - I have found that a well written letter is a good way to go about things. I would detail your plight - (you can just copy paste your list!), and go above the managers head with your letter. Inform them in the letter that you have a geunine grievence, and that if the matter is not resolved you will be warning "everyone on God's green earth" to stay away from HRV.

Say that you feel you have throughly earned your bottle of wine, and that they already owe you $80 anyway, as a suggested start to regaining your custom.

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I think you should just shrug your shoulders, and let it go.

:lol: and that is the very reason there are people like this in the first place, because too many people just let it go. If you let people walk over you in life wasp, you wont get anywhere.

1. Lower your blood pressure

2. Focus on stuff that really does matter

3. Live longer

My blood pressure is not high, I'm someone who deals with stress very well. In fact, the $80 does not overly concern me. While Im keen on getting my money back (simply to make sure they dont get away with it), its moreso the principle of the matter.

maybe i could organise to have them give me the $80 off my one and you could swap you the $80 for some frags

:lol: Feel free to mention my plight for your own gain - their product is good, I admit that much. Its the service I clearly dislike - and it is possible its isolated to the single branch i dealt with.

I think I'm like you Chimera, while I dont actually enjoy the fluffing round, I throughly enjoy the idea of "making them pay" for bad service

Exactly :D

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Ahhhhh HRV, I am sure I said at the start of this thread they are a pain in the a** to deal with. We have had nothing but problems with them from day one, I think every single manager including the gm has ben to my house(they all say oh your the one with the big fish tank). I also brought a summer kit which they came around and unistalled with a refund check 3 weeks ago. In addition to that they are also coming back to repair damage to the roof and to replace a ranchslider the drilled some holes in.

But alas this is New Zealand and we arent spoiled for choice here just bad and slow service from most companies, the price you pay for living here i guess

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oh yeah my original system cost $2500, less $1000 refund for the summer kit, less the approx $1200 for the new ranchslider so they havent made much out of us at all. If only their salesperson hadnt lied about the capabilities of the system they would have made some money out of us.

Sorry you have had a bum deal with them also chim

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oh yeah my original system cost $2500, less $1000 refund for the summer kit, less the approx $1200 for the new ranchslider so they havent made much out of us at all. If only their salesperson hadnt lied about the capabilities of the system they would have made some money out of us.

Sorry you have had a bum deal with them also chim

serious bummer drifty, if they had of screwed up abit more you'd be in profit by now :lol:

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also coming back to repair damage to the roof and to replace a ranchslider the drilled some holes in.

how on earth did they manage to damage the roof and the ranchslider with holes in it - I really just cant imagine how that was done?!

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:lol: and that is the very reason there are people like this in the first place, because too many people just let it go. If you let people walk over you in life wasp, you wont get anywhere.

Yes I'll agree with you to some extent, and I guess most people would be on your side. Even my wife gets super angry with me sometimes and calls me a wimp cos I can't be bothered to go and argue with some shyster who put one over her.

But hey, I won't be having a heart attack :D just cos at Foodtown she got charged for 2 chocolate bars when she only got one! :lol:

I do agree though some people have to get uptight about this stuff otherwise there would be no customer service at all. I think my attitude comes from my upbringing up was brought up in an environement where everybody got held to account, no slight, real or imagined was allowed to slide. And that was how I thought till I'd been away from home for a few years when I had a big attitude shift about a few things and decided not to bother sweating the small stuff anymore.

Part of my business is low cost rental property, I'm dealing at the bottom end of the market where the returns are biggest if you can actually get the rent and not have the house destroyed. I just let someone off 9 weeks rent due to some major problems they were having, but it was a cheaper option for me than anything else I could have done. Once again my wife was not happy though! :lol: And I care too, but trying to extract blood out of a stone was only going to give me high blood pressure plus won't pay in the long run anyway.

And don't rubbish NZ, the worst customer service I have had is in the USA, and on quite a few occasions. I believe the average NZer does care more about people and service than many in some overseas countries.

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they damaged the roof while they were walking around in the roof puting a larger pump in to make more air move through the system. Then I was told the system wouldnt really work as its a new house. Their solution was to put a catch on a window in each room which would leave them permanently cracked open but allow air to escape. The first one they tried was the ranchslider, once they had attached the catch the ranchslider wouldnt open(he put it on the left side instead of the right side of the window) so it had to be removed and I now have 3 holes where the catch was. Needless to say my wife wants the ranchslider like it was before they messed with it.

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And don't rubbish NZ, the worst customer service I have had is in the USA, and on quite a few occasions. I believe the average NZer does care more about people and service than many in some overseas countries.

Really? I found the exact opposite. The customer service in the US I found to be top notch. The system over there is setup to promote good service. Those that don't provide it are paid little, and don't last long.

One thing which really annoys me in NZ is restaurant service, many places are really unprofessional. There are the odd place which are very good, and they are the only ones which get my return business.


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One thing which really annoys me in NZ is restaurant service, many places are really unprofessional. There are the odd place which are very good, and they are the only ones which get my return business.


Alright for a man who won't even get out of bed for less than $30.00 per hour Layton :lol:

Ever worked in a resteraunt Layton? In NZ it's a really cutthroat business, so many of them start up and then go broke I don't even deal with the hospitality industry any more unless I get the money up front.

The waiting staff are normally underpaid and overworked, that is, unless you go to the more expensive places.

And apart from supplying services to that industry, I DO know what I'm talking about I spent 6 years running a fast food outlet, took over when it was loosing money and turned it into a highly profitable $25,000 + per WEEK turnover.

Trouble is, people whinge about service, but won't pay the money. Sometimes the waiting staff in a typical NZ eatery are in a nearly impossible situation to give top service. Also the $9.00 per hour can leave them lacking motivation.

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It's a little higher than $30 now wasp. ;-)

But yeah I can understand that. But i'm more than willing to pay for good service. Especially at somewhere like a restaurant, where you go to enjoy yourself, sometimes the service can just spoil things.

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sometimes the service can just spoil things.

Agreed, Often it can spoil things been pretty annoyed myself sometimes.

But I've been in resteraunts & seen customers going off about the service, when really the price they are paying if they worked it out the resteraunt is in a nearly impossible situation to do a good job.

A while back though I got crap service in the Sheraton when I had paid a lot of money, and that time I DID complain.

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how goes it chimera? :-?

i called up the dvs people yesterday, the lady was great, answered all my questions and gave me estimates on priceing which was very helpful, seems that it is a matter of very little differance between the systems (hrv-dvs), she said they can put vents in every room if i like and that they have a range of optional extras (very similar to the hrv system). 2 weeks before they can install from the day i say yes, and at a similar price im guessing i will go the dvs road, other wise people will tell me i told you so when hrv dont delever on ther promisess. :wink:

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got a cheque in the mail for $80 a few days later. no apology letter, just a cheque.

now my only concern is forking over more money for a replacement filter in a couple of years time. im sure i'll be able to buy off the shelf and diy by then :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

had dvs around today, the guy was very nice and on time 12:30, he gave me the speal and went through what i need and what extras i would add, i ended up looking at the g3 dvs with lcd control panel, a summer kit and 3 extra vents, this totalled $4200 :o :evil:

so i said that was a heap more than i expected and i would need to think about it. :wink:

i remembered looking into a diy kit and found bunnings had the best price, so with the info from the dvs guy fresh in my mind i decided to check out bunnings. after around half an hour of thinking and checking what was avalable i decided to buy a diy kit and save myself some cash.

i got home (3:30pm) and got stright into installing it, 3 hours later it was running, (dvs had a 3 week waiting list)

now there are a few things i should make clear, the diy kit dosnt have the flash lcd display, and i havnt brought the summer kit (it is avalable though and can be added anytime) however all the ducting is properly insulated as per the dvs.

so now the big thing, the price. all up with the extra ducting and y peice i needed to have it the way i wanted it (same as the dvs guy said it should be done) it cost a grand total of $879.60 :bounce:

so this leaves me enough spare cash to get a heat pump as well and i could also afford to buy my own bottle of wine (or rum) to celebrate!

i am very happy with the quality of the kit and it is totally silent, the proof will be in the eating of the pudding when i see if the condensation starts to clear up, hopefully i will notice a differance within a week.

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