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female guppies dying


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I have had about 5 guppies one after the other die on me.!

Can't figure out what is wrong with them?

They clamp up there fins and sulk for a few days then they get a bloody area/ bruising on them, and can't swim properly.?

Any ideas guys.

Water is all good

sometimes wander if i go over the top a little bit with the water changes in the tank. It is only a 2ft tank. i do a water change wed and sunday about 20% ? am i changing the water to often. i have mix of swords mollies platies guppies 25 all up -/+

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well it was 2 females to every one male. But it is actually less females now!! Should i take the females out and put them in a different tank??

Seriously thinking of just keeping to all males anyway because it is cute having babies for the first few times but eventually we are going to have find homes for them......i have a 40L tank set up with 1 week old fry...metallic blue platies, guppies and a few swords. After that lot have gone i dont really want to breed anymore.

I might just set up a tank of females now and see if i can rehome them.

Will all the males be ok together in a tank to themselves?? or do they start fighting when there aren't any females around.

Thanks Caryl

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I have moved the boys now, but one of them isn't swimming very well and his fins on the side of him are in a bad way they look half the size. He was really happy and healthy yesterday. His fins are really clamped aswell. Don't think he will make the night.

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You have platties and swordtails in the same tank??? These two fish a very closely related and will cross-breed creating hybrids. I would heavily advise that they should not be kept together… if you do chose to keep them together I’d advise against keeping or selling of babies.

Just my 5 cents,


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Isn't that nice.....no one told me that at the LFS..great aye!.

Oh well i only had 1 male swordtail. so heres hoping he didn't get any of my platies.

Good to know ..thanks for that.

by the way male guppie was dead this morning.

It only seems to be killing off guppies for some reason.??

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Guppies these days are not as tough as they used to be. A number of people have been complaining lately about guppy deaths and a seeming lack of reasons.

Have you done any water tests for ammonia, nitrites and nitrates? This might help work out the problem. Clamped fins are a sign of stress and if the fish are not being bullied then 99% of the time the stress is caused by bad, or incorrect, water parameters. It may just be the guppies are more sensitive to whatever it is so are affected whereas the other fish do not seem to be.

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Guppies these days are not as tough as they used to be. A number of people have been complaining lately about guppy deaths and a seeming lack of reasons.quote]

We also have been having a bit of a hard time with the guppies, i no some other importers have been having problems to.

There are two types (well sort of) the first are ones that get breed in different salinitys, these seem to be harder for us to keep, the second are ones that are breed in freshwater, these seem easier to get thru the 6 weeks.

The hard part is finding out what types have been breed in wat type of conditions.

We have sent away a few samples to the maf testing place (can't remember what its called) in lower hut.

We have had the bacterial results back and it showed nothing (this was on about 8 samples.

The viral tests are still to come.

We have tryed all sorts of treatments on them, sulphar based antibiotics, gram negitive, gram positve, formulin, condys, praziquantal.

Trying another antibiotic at the moment, seems to be working ok, will let you no how it goes, just remind me.

One last thing to try is to throw a bit of salt in the tank, will be ok with most fish, helps reduce osmotic stress if you like. in fact mollys tend to do better in salt water.

Hope this helps.

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That's interesting Tim as I was told that a lot of the guppies imported over the past 1 - 2 years had bacterial infections that didn't respond to treatment, hence the heavy losses but from what you say, this doesn't sound correct.

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That's interesting Tim as I was told that a lot of the guppies imported over the past 1 - 2 years had bacterial infections that didn't respond to treatment, hence the heavy losses but from what you say, this doesn't sound correct.

Im not saying its not bacterial, this was my first thought. The fish that were sent away for testing did not have anything bacterial. The other 1000 just were not tested, not all these guppies died, so matbe we were just unluckly.

The bizzar thing is i don't see anything wrong with the fish. they look 100%, but you just get them dropping dead,

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Brings back memories of what they called "the Guppy Plague" we had several years ago.

It got so bad that the wholesalers could not afford to import them due to the huge losses.

In fact, one wholesaler bought all my guppies from me, at a pretty good price too, to keep his customers happy.

They were just wild coloured too.

Maybe the wholesalers will have to get away from the Asian market and try the States.

Alan 104

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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe the wholesalers will have to get away from the Asian market and try the States.

Alan 104

and watch the price shoot thru the roof.. :D:D

I have been trying doxytetracycline (sp) 100mg. Quite happy with the results so far.

Will let you no as things progress

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