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Hi from the Far North


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Hi There all

I'm brand new to the forum, and this computer chat sort of thing so excuse if the ettiquette is a bit rough. Have been into reef tanks for a few years now. Having found this forum it appears there is a whole hidden reef tank community out there - is there anyone else in the Far North?

I've got a single tank - 1400 long with a bow front, with undertank sump and refugium. Corals are mainly leathers and mushrooms, 9 fish (all different except a pair of fire clowns) as well as a fire and coral banded shrimp. Have had a few (expensive) losses over time so would be interested in peoples thoughts on what went wrong

Have loved looking at the members tank pics - it is cool to see how others have set their systems up. One day will post some pics of my tank

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Hi Skippy,

Welcome to the FNZAS Forums, great to have you here. :D:D:D

U will meet lots of Wonderful People here, who are only to happy to help you with any Questions that u may have, However big or small. Just don't be afraid to ask. :wink::wink::wink:

Sounds like you have a Nice Tank Setup there, would LOVE to see some Pikkys, when u get some. :lol: :lol: :lol:

Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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Look forward to your pics if you have trouble posting them just sing out how do you get your stock way up there from, Whangarei or do you come to Auckland?

I think I would like to retire up your way somewhere it's so beautiful!!

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Hi again

Thanks for the welcome. Will try and get a few pics up over the next day or two - the wife is going mad with the camera at the moment (she's trying to get a pic of the fire shrimp but the fish keep getting in the way). Then I just need to figure out how to get them on the forum.

Getting stock is a bit of a drama. Mainly from Auckland (HFF or Jansens) although I get a bit of stuff from Richard at Northland Pet and Aquarium in Whangarei. Everytime we go to Auck we have a poly box in the car!

Started the hobby in Auck b4 we moved up here a few years back - tank shifting is not fun when you have half a tonne or so of gear and livestock to shift 300kms!

nuf for now, will work on the pics

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Neat pics.

Sebastian is a stunning shrimp!

There is nothing like filling up your memory card with fish pics, only to have a few that are in focus, or don't have a blurred fish zipping past!

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Welcome to the forums Skippy.

Plenty here to keep your mind buzzing for a while :)

If you want to post individual pics easily.. do this.

1/ Make suire your pics are a suitable size (around 6-700 wide is good.

2/ Copy the link from your hosting site.

3/ Procede as if you were making a new post.

4/ Hit the img tag "twice"

5/ Paste your copied link between the two sets of img tags.

5/ ensure none of the bb code or html boxes are clicked.

All done.

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Hi Skippy

You can also add images from Photobucket by copying the 'Img' tag, select it, then right click it and select 'copy'


Then just paste it directly into you post by right clicking and selecting 'paste'.

The Img tags are put there automatically.

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Hi and WOW on your tank :P:P

Did you name Sadie the cleaner shrimp after the song "Sadie the cleaning lady" :lol: :lol:

Glad you were able to get your pics posted...I LOVE looking at people's tanks :bounce: :bounce:

Great site here....wonderful people who are always eager to help!

Take care & have fun,


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Hi - Rogan - luv the photobucket thing - I've turned into a pic upload junkie! :evil: Have loaded a bunch more pics into


Some are old pics of my finny friends that have passed on to the big tank in the sky - but some of the pics are quite neat. Have also stuck a for help post in the disease forum to see if anyone can shed some light :-?

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No real secret caper. Just a big memory card and lots of patience (mainly the wife to be honest - shes the photo buff). It helps if you wait until feeding time! I think my fish have learnt to tell the time!

Must say though it would get a bit expensive taking photos without a digital!

BTW - you are bang on with Sadie the Cleaning Lady :lol:

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Congrats to your wife on her pic taking skills :bow::bow:

I love looking at pics :bounce: :bounce: the one with Citrus looking right at the camera, just as if he/she is posing :o:P

Now, I would have thought feeding time would be one of the hardest times to try and get a pic, all scurring to get their food because, obviously, we ALL starve our fishies :lol: :lol:

:lol: Sadie, the cleaning lady :lol:

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Sebastian's red color is outstanding...but I'm a little confused, does Sadie have red on her as well, or is she just beside Sebastian.

The first pic of Harrison, was he saying "go away" :lol:


Again, wonderful pics :bow::bow:

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Thanks Caper

Yep, Sadie does have a red stripe straight down the middle of her back. Harrison (the Potters Angelfish) (Get it - Harry Potter!! :lol: ) is a bit on the shy side - bit of a shame because he is a beautiful fish. you dont really see the colours in the pic.

That is the only complete pic we have got of flash - he moves too fast - hence "flash".

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Thanks Mystic (and Ballistic too - just read his unilateral post) (Abject apologies if he is a she - thats the problem with usernames - they're genderless :lol: :lol: )

Have had a great time on these forums and love checking out other peoples tank pics. Some of them are inspirational and provide heaps of ideas (not to mention a fair ol' dollop of envy :hail: ). Never mind, something to strive towards

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