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Alcohol in Fish Tank


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I'm sure I'm not the first to have this happen. I had a party at my place last night and some drunk idiot decided it was a good idea to put bourbon and cola in my tank. I didn't see it happen and woke up this morning to find my fish all gasping, some at the surface others at their normal level. I have done a 25% water change and they aren't gasping as much anymore. I think a heap of food got put in there aswell and the water is pretty cloudy. Is there anything else I can do? I was going to do a daily water change for a few days and hope it clears up. Is this too frequent? Anyone else been through this before and have any advice? Is there anything I can get to neutralise the negative effect it is having on my fish?

Thanks, Glen.

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I know someone whos budgie was killed by some drop-kick who blew smoke from a joint into its cage.

Sounds like you have your tank under control. You could add 'cycle' to replace the good stuff the frequent water changes are removing.

Another good idea would be to put bourbon and cola into the petrol tank of that guy's car. :lol:

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:( hit that guy up for some cash for the meds (theyre not normally too expensive but you can make out they are lol). theres a few methods for fungus, i think a meth blue/malachite green mix is used with good sucess but im not too up on that one. salt can also be used. theres a few products out there that are good for getting rid of fungus, best to treat in a hospital tank though as some can stain your tanks/ruin all your beneficial bacteria colonies.

good luck!

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poor sponger :( poor fishies :(

It's probably not the alcohol that's the problem any more - it's likely to be all the sugar. I suspect the alcohol would have had an immediate effect (if it was going to) but the sugar is now feeding all kinds of micro-greeblies that you don't need in your tank.

Keep up the water changes, and systematically clean the tank - gravel vac small areas at a time, clean ornaments etc a few at a time. Eventually you'll reach a nice balance again.

Meanwhile medicate the sick fish in a hospital tank like sharn suggested.

Remember to keep a log-book of how long you spend doing all this, then INVOICE the dimwit for your time! :evil:

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