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dose rate for drontal worming tablets


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It's camillanus, a type of worms. If you can get levamisole from your vet that is best, treat in the water (not food) at dose vet recommends, I think it's 0.1mg/litre. Piperazine works too in the water.

Drontal is one tab per 40L I believe, Dogmatix knows. I tried it on my rams but it didn't seem to work, may have been too far gone though.


Camillanus is easily recognized as a small thread-like worm protruding from the anus of the fish. Control of this nematode in non-food fish is with fenbendazole, a common antihelminthic. Fenbendazole can be mixed with fish food (using gelatin as a binder) at a rate of 0.25% for treatment. It should be fed for three days, and repeated in three weeks.

(http://www.simplydiscus.com/library/dis ... ro11.shtml)

Also, how to add fenbendazole aka panacur to food here: http://www.simplydiscus.com/library/dis ... worm.shtml

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bummer on that one :( alot of people think that once a fish has got it its pretty much as good as dead, apparently it seems the worms never leave, just decrease or something? its highly contagious so i wouldnt put anything in with them. good luck and i hope yours makes it, ive got a angel thats been in quarentine for about 3 months, still has the worms even with medicated food but im told hes doing well to have not died yet

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it seems one of my rams has contracted this &%%&*% of a problem now :evil: only one worm was present and i immediatly moved her out into the 'camillanus' tank (with the heavily infested angel). im really hoping that it isnt going to spread to anyone else and im going to be getting a seperate bucket and siphon for this tank, i just cant risk it spreading. none of the other fish seem to have it, the cories, BN and khulis i am not sure about so am going to have to take them out to inspect during the next tank move.

i am unsure what to do, it seems the easiest way is to let them go, i cant phsyically hurt a fish so am going to have to research other methods. they are an ongoing problem i am starting to get tired of (i know it sounds cruel, and it is, but i really just cant be botherd anymore) but i am going to have to treat the main tank just to be sure anyway so might as well try help them at the same time

i might just have to suck it up and go down to the vet and try get enough levamisole to treat both tanks...

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VitaPet Super All Wormer is what I used, you know you have the right one if it says '50mg/g Praziquantel'.

1 tab per 25 litres. Mix each tablet with a small amount of water, crushing it, and turning it in to a smooth paste, then slowly apply to aquarium.

Leave it for 48-72 hours, then vac your gravel and do a water change to get rid of the horrid pink look and dead worms. Did not harm my plants, plecos, angels, or Firemouths. However monitor your pH level as mine went from 7 to 6.4 during treatment.

Flukes and worms do not do very well with Praziquantel.

I'd recommend treating any currently infected fish in a special tank if you have one spare. This way if they're not cleaned up in the time period, at least your other tanks will be worm/flukes free and you wont risk any more fishy lives.

Hope that helps.

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thankfully its not the discus tank *wipes forhead*, however they were in there (the first three) for about 3 days :-? hopefully nothing has happened there and nothing was present then, that was about 3 or 4 weeks ago now and nothing has shown up on the discus. it seems funny that some of the fish that have been in there since the angel havent got it, and theyre bottom dwellers, perhaps it just hasnt shown yet (its been a good 4 months or so since the first incident)

im going to get some levamisole asap and have been researching a few differnent dosages- 2mg per litre and 1ml per 7.5L and also something about it not working in a ph over 7.

it seems this can be treated however it can be persistant, this is really peeing me off, that stupid angel fish has now probably cost me a fair amount of fish :evil: its problems like this that make you want to get rid of a whole tanks worth of stuff.

sadly the discus wont be able to be moved into their new 200L bb tank as i was going to take the filter from the 'worm tank' off there and put it onto the new one so it didnt need to cycle, i cant purchase another filter as the existing one will be too big for the new planted tank (long story, swapping tanks and occupants around).

so yeah... now im off to keep reading and am hoping this isnt going to end up one big drama, have to go and buy a siphon and bucket too now so the other tanks have their own worm free gear, its so hard keeping such a large tank in complete quarentine!

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it seems prazi doesnt work with this one :( its a differnent type of worm than what can be treated by prazi.

if you manage to kill the worms then your in a whole other field, if the fish cant pass them they stay inside and rot, and even if they do pass them there can still be major intestinal damage :cry:

it just seems wierd that from the time my angel got it no other fish caught it, the rams were quarentined and its only just shown up after about 2 months of having them...

im thinking the apistos (cause they sift thru the bottom), cories, BN's and khulis are going to all definatly have it as the worms constantly produce live young (they hang their bums out of the fishes bums so they can drop them out) which falls to the bottom of the tank.

if another tanks going to have it itll sadly be the discus tank, i cleaned the worm tank first on saturday and then without cleaning me or the equip cleaned the discus tank after, at least if they get it itll be easier to treat (BB so can clean cases, eggs etc up, in the planted im going to miss alot and risk having them come back).

well see how it goes, i have put all tanks on total quarentine now to see if it has spread or stop further spreading, im going to be purchasing a siphon and bucket for each tank which will be labeled. if only the vets were open today...

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i would highly suggest you either get febendazole or levamisole, these worms wont be effected by prazi as they are a differnt family of worm to tape worm :( i can get you some links to the sites that told me that if you wish.

these worms have a vicious life cycle, constantly producing live young and they can cause all sorts of problems internally (internal bleeding, intestine infections etc etc), they are treatable from what ive read so thats good.

would you like me to enquire about getting you some levamisole from the vet while im there? also if anyone else has any enquiries about getting some if you have a fish with them pm me, i know its a hard drug to get and hopefully, being from a small farming town (levamisole is a pig and poultry wormer) will come in handy for once

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if your feeding lots of live food its very easy to get in.

i have two bottles, there was two on the shelf when i left last week, lukes reserved one so theres one left. i can see if she can get more in but she was telling me that she cant always get it for some reason. if you would like it pm me and ill go down and pick them up on thursday. each bottle can do approx 360L and is pretty cheap :D

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i havent used it yet, but am going to once i get some facts on it as there is a theory saying that it doesnt work in ph's above 7. im using fenbendazole via food now and no other fish have adults (apart from khulis, not sure on them) so im hoping the fenebndazole knocks anything that was going to start out. i inspected the BN and cory bums and they have nothing (mighty surprised as they have been thru 2 outbreaks now), the khulis are going to be a much different story :lol: its a very gentle med to use, people have overdosed as much as four times with no adverse effects however some people seem to think it can cause the fish to be sterile (if overdosed), its not common in the literature so im not sure about that one

the bottle is 50ml, and ill pm you the other details now ronnie :wink:

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  • 1 month later...

hey captian obvious,

I used drontal tabs from vet at dose rate you suggest for a persistant itch on my discus. Had previously tried white spot treatment and formulin. left period in between each treatment so no confusion. left in for 48 hours. All fish subsequently died! It did cure the itch though. Fish went off food and it stripped them of body mucus. Bloody expensive way to learn.

I am too embarrased to say how many fish I lost. Have to start all over again.

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Hey Psyc,

I had a bad case of flukes and worms with my fish and I have used twice the dosage that SpidersWeb mentioned and did not affect the fish only the worms and flukes. Must be something else in the tablet you used ... or the water???



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