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Anemone V's Heater


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My New Bubbletip decided to go walkabout :roll:

Decided he didnt like the heater where it was and gave it a few punches :evil:

The heater Won the first round :cry:

Got a bit worried about the anemone, kept checking the tank a few times a day for that rotten smell, but after 5 days the Anemone is bouncing back. Hopefully for good :lol: .

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Interesting... I picked up an anemone yesterday from HFF in albany, It didn't seem particularily keen to grab onto any rocks in my tank, so I generally boxed it in with some rock to stop it getting blown away by the pumps.

I get up this morning to find it's somehow wedged itself under my heater, and it totally upside down, yet still looking somewhat healthy (I have a feeling my heater hasn't been on in months to be honest).

So.. what's the trick to persuade such animals to hang onto a rock as opposed to just floating around in the current playing chicken with streams etc?

The anemone has a bright red base (about 2" across) and greeny/yellow tentacles around 1.5-2" long. I would take a pic except my camera went walkabout in the weekend (silly friends).

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A departure from the thread but was the PBT at death's door still there 'for sale'? :o

The key to anemone's is to use reverse psychology - put them where you want them least and they should end up where you want them a bit... :wink:

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There was a pbt there for $170, didn't pay much attention to it.

When you say "place" am I supposed to just gently coax it's base into a hole/crevice/etc/etc and hold it there till it seems to want to hold on? It seems that otherwise I would need to leave the streams off for a period of time, or it's just going to float away :o

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Often when they have been held in display tanks for a while they lose their 'stick'. I have found that you do need to basically keep them 'confined' with rocks, not too tightly, until you see them actually starting to stick onto the rocks properly.

Do you know what kind it is? They all have different preferences as to where they stick eg BTAs close to light and flow with foot under a ledge, the tube type ones like to be stuck between rocks and not so much light, the sand anemones, down low close to sand, not necessarily in it.

As you have probably already found out, if they can't travel by foot to get to where they want to go they inflate themselves and cast themselves into the current and go where it takes them - yayyyy!!!!! :o

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So.. what's the trick to persuade such animals to hang onto a rock as opposed to just floating around in the current playing chicken with streams etc?

The anemone has a bright red base (about 2" across) and greeny/yellow tentacles around 1.5-2" long. I would take a pic except my camera went walkabout in the weekend (silly friends).

From the reading I have been doing at a few forums concerning anemones, you readlly don't have a choice on where your anemone will make his home. My bubbletip will stick to the rock (only had it for just over a week), but it has usually moved within a day or stay. His spot right now is arround the back where it can heal and he still gets enough light from the MH been there for 4 days now.

If it won't stick to a rock even for a very short period of time you will probly find there something wrong with it. :cry:

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Ahh, that makes sense..

I have rescued it from behind the heater, it had actually righted itself, and was looking happy with it's foot wedged between the heater and the sand. I took a lesson from that and recreated it with some live rock, and moved the anemone to it.. From what I have seen it's happily digging itself further into the smallish gap I gave it, so maybe it'll stay put for a bit longer :)

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Hur... I spoke too soon

It seems that wherever I put it, it just refuses to grab onto anything, so once the clown plays in it a bit it works itself loose, and then ende up cruising around the tank in the current till I kill the streams :(

anyone got any tips for placing these things so they actually grip?

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Hur... I spoke too soon

It seems that wherever I put it, it just refuses to grab onto anything, so once the clown plays in it a bit it works itself loose, and then ende up cruising around the tank in the current till I kill the streams :(

anyone got any tips for placing these things so they actually grip?


Have a read here and see if there is anything she mentions that may help you.

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Have you got anything that you can put over it to restrict it movements - something like gutter guard :o

Is is 'flat' (BTA) when its not stuck or does it have a significant stem? The stemmy ones mostly stick on the bottom of the foot only. The BTAs can morph into any &%^& shape they like!

You need to keep it roughly where you want it but still give it adequate light and current. I used some old branches of calaustrea to play battleships with mine. They are great escape artists but will have to stick with its foot to do so. First achievement!

Our BTA walked round the tank for a week before it has stuck for 5 days now (touch wood) 10 cms away from where I first put it. The like to move at night so every day is a new game of battleships!

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Is that the anemone that was in with the baby clowns and blue tangs? it didnt look very happy when I saw it. My purple LTA wasn't too good when I got him so I gave it a good feed and it looked awesome the next day.

Saw the PBT to and it was so skinny poor thing!! Going back soon to get one of those yellow tangs, they have heaps!

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This one didn't look amazing at HFF, however it cheered up and certainly looked happy as when wedged under the heater today, and even in the place I moved it to as well.

It's now lying face down in the place I originally placed it, and the odd tentacle pops up on occasion.. I'm planning to leave it for now, and see if it sorts itself out, no point doing much else right now I think :)

The female clown keeps trying to get it to turn over, so maybe that'll help hehe

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I think they should sell there anemones on rocks, every time I see one there they are either on the sand or attached to the glass. It must disturb the anemone to remove it, bag it and relocate it... again!!

I brought mine on a rock and he hasnt moved an inch since I added him to my reef maybe 3 months ago :D

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Face down is not good.

First thing with anemones is to positively identify what type of anemone it is.

No point trying to bury an anemone that doesn't bury its base. From my experience, most anemones are not in good shape when they hit the stores and even worse shape if they have been there awhile. What is the lighting like in your tank compared to the tank it was in? How long had they had it? etc etc.

I would build a small arch with three rocks, place the anemone underneath and place a couple of rocks on either side to close it in a bit. Make sure the is plenty of sand underneath if it does want to bury its base and good water flow around it. If it is bleached or pale (like most appear to be) it will want to hide from the light. Don't try and force feed it. Only feed if it is open and only a small amount of food.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My Anemone is still alive :bounce: :bounce: it is stuck to the glass in the rear corner of the tank, gets some light where it is and the clown is by its side 24/7 :roll:

Problem is I dont get to see the clown much :evil: except for feed time or when i'm cleaning the glass (it has a thing for the glass cleaner if you get too close to the Anemone).

The Anemone is a fraction of the size it was, I assume it is still doing the healing thing as it has discarded the bits that got damaged.

Does anyone have any ideas on how to speed up the healing process :hail: or should I just leave it and see what happens.

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Feeding it can help. After what it's been through keep portions small. It may not take food at all, if that happens, try a live earthworm, the wriggling stimulates them to grab. But not a whole earthworm, just a bit of one.

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Good to hear its ok, I added a green bta, not long after you started this thread, had the same probs. Got up the next morning and found him wedged under the heater :o , then it ended up, upside down behind my rock formation. I have anemone proofed my tank now, heater guard, and foam wrapped around power head intakes(pain in the butt) hopefully find some plastic mesh somewhere. Lucky i did because i got up about a week ago and it was stuck on the foam over the intake getting blown around :o .

Anyway its found a spot it likes and has had a couple of feeds of uncooked shrimp, seems to be doing well :bounce: it can walk around all it likes now and i dont have to worry :D

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I managed to get some sort of photo of where the anemone is hiding.

You can just make out the maroon clown and close to him is the anemone very blurred but thats the best I could get.

I gave it a little bit of scollop the other day and it didn't spit it out, so should be healing nicely. I will get some live earthworm this week (like wasp suggested)and see if it likes that.


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