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Hi From Tauranga!


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Hi all,

Im new to the forum and i am from Tauranga. My main interest lies with fish from the South American region, but also have a breeding pair of jewels. I have 5 tanks in total - 2 of which are very small (fry tanks).

I keep the following fish...

3 x Discus

4 x Angels (am getting rid of these asap)

12 x Lemon Tetras

3 x Bristlenose

2 x Agassizii

2 x Bolivian Rams

5 x Sterbai Corydoras

1 x Albino Bronze Corydoras

2 x Siamese fighters

2 x Kribensis

2 x Jewel's

3 x Convicts

My friend antwan tells me that i will learn lots from this forum :)


Joel :D

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hows those fishies going with the worms? noone else has contracted it hopefully and your feeding them all the meds?

sadly joel couldnt come today, had soccer on but soccer doesnt go all year round i dont think so we expect you to pop along a few times :lol:

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Thanks all for the warm reception :D

As Sharn said i was not available for the club meeting on saturday as i had a soccer game on at that time, but i hope to make it along to some in the future.

Sharn: Yes, my fish with the worms are doing ok. I have seperated them into a hospital tank and they are happily gobbling up the meds. Hopefully they make a full recovery :)

I will post some pics of my fishies asap in the "Members Tanks" section.

The pic to the left is of my cobalt high fin discus.

Cheers all,


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Thanks Ronnie :D

Ok, here is a large photo of my Cobalt High Fin Discus...


Sadly this is one of the fish that has contracted the worms, he is still looking very healthy however and has not lost any colour, but i have had to seperate him from my main tank to medicate him. I think he is comming right now though :)


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