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Acurate thermometers


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What are the most acurate types of thermometers? Im sure this was posted here not that long ago, but i cant find it.

Is there any really acurate aquarium thermometers? i have an aquaone digital, and im sure it reads just over 1 deg to high.

What do most people here use, mercury or digi?

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I have a digital one, I don't think it's particularly accurate. The instructions say to put the probe furtherest away from the filter outlet, but it still seems to fluctuate heaps.

I am thinking of getting one of those glass and red alcohol ones with a suction cup that goes in the tank.

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i agree..... ive use a digital thats has the wire in the tank and a mercury and a digi stick on the front ... use them all on the same tank at the same time and they all read differently :o:o .... so beats me whic one to trust..

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For supreme accuracy.. go to the Chemist and get one for testing human temps. They have much strickter quality control on these.

Then check your others against it... you "may" be surprised at the variations.

Zev wrote:

I am thinking of getting one of those glass and red alcohol ones with a suction cup that goes in the tank.

Last batch of these I bought (6).. there were two that "almost" gave the right temp.. the other four went in the bin.

Now I get into the habit of testing the temp through the glass with the back of my hand as I feed out each day... mind you.. I'm not bothered about a degree or two either way.. so this works for me :)


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i have both glass and a digi, the digi is out by 1C and fluctuates ALOT, it tells me my tanks fluctuating from 27-29 in half an hour!? it could be my heater though which im goin to replace (its a jebo and ive heard they can be pretty inacurate, itll let the temp drop to 27C before turning on and bringing it back up to 29C- according to the digi). i might just go to the chemist but i like to check the temp lots, that would be taping it to the tank or something right? i have a stick on thermom, the ones that sit on the outside and i think theyre useless, they get affected by air temps too much

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I am thinking of getting one of those glass and red alcohol ones with a suction cup that goes in the tank

Umm...isn't that mercury in them??????

I tried one of the stick on the outside digitals ones, I don't know it wasn't working correctly but I found it realy hard to see the temp.

Am I understanding you correctly Bill, a "human" thermometer that you would stick under the tongue?

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For supreme accuracy.. go to the Chemist and get one for testing human temps. They have much strickter quality control on these.

I had a look at these the other day, the only ones they had started at 35degC, not much good for fish temps, and the little line of mercury was soo hard to see, even with the beveled side of the glass that is supposed to magnify it.

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Mercury, which expands and contracts with the temperature and pushes the alcohol up and down the tube. Those little silver balls are poisonous, btw. Really cool to play with though.... they break and combine like the quicksilver Terminator.

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The ones I used to use.. (which I am pretty sure were for human use..).. were used for our incubators for egg hatching.. and they certainly didn't "start" at 35c.

Other types we had were the long glass ones.. possibly for brewing.. can't remember. Both types were around 6mm diam.


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Here are some temp comparisons from my 2ft tank.


Temps above taken from the same spot in the tank - furtherest point from the heater.

The heaterstat is set to 24 deg.

Temp of middle of tank 25.2deg.

The Fluke is calibrated annually, so is the most accurate thing I can find to measure temp (rather an expensive option, though, at roughly $500.00)

Whilst some of you say that you can check the temp by putting your hand on the glass, some of us newbies are reluctant to trust ourselves with this sort of method, and are always seeking reassurances - albeit from obviously not so accurate thermometers - that all is well in our tanks.

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Yes, I was wondering that as well Luke, about the mercury that is :-?

Okay, the thermometers I have are the small stick on inside of tank ones because that's all you get around here!

But, is the temp in the entire tank going to be 100% consistent throughout and if it's not, does that mean the heater isn't efficient OR is the thermometer off????

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