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ive go the gow! (importing the Zebra Pleco)


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im really disapointed but im going to only get 12-15 and breed of them mayby sell 3? if members want some MP me, cus 12 are from me and if you want one this could be your only chance for a little while before i get breeding them, 50 i think would cost to much!

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you don't have a quareentine facility neither.

what research have you done on the zebra's, you have to keep them alive for 6wks. all the money in the world won't help you if you don't know what your doing.

importing is risky at the best of times,you never know what is coming in with the fish.

oh and red tape with maf, lots of fun you will have grey hair in no time.

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i spend mayby 6-7 hour a day on the internet researching these guys! my parents hate it cus they cant use the phone :lol: . I have found me a breeder in America Zebra Pleco L46 CHEAP. and yes that is correct but i am going to ask NZDiscus. Hopefully he will say yes :oops:

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not being sad or anything but reading is nothing compared to experience, you might read for years and keep every other species of plec out there but these are individual fish with individual needs, they will be highly stressed from shipping and you could run into problems you cant get help with, forums can only do so much but its the experience of keeping them in real life that counts, especially if you want to breed! if they were that easy to breed the market would get flooded with them.

like i said, not being mean or rude but id hate for you to go to all the trouble to get yourself some and then have em die, but anyway, from what ive read your moving to england, maybe you can get some there :)

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Well regardless of your age I say go for it! My advice thought would be for you to speak to an imported and see if they will quarantine the fish for you for a fee, even see if they will organise the import and paperwork, MAF details etc... Work out all costings based on vairous numbers of fish, varying fatality rates (you have to expect anything) and that way you'll figure out how many to import or what you can afford. When you have those exact details THEN you might want to try and get some buyers. If I was you I'd only try and take orders for half the fish you want to sell incase of deaths or Maf destruction. You'll probably find that you'll need a lot of money but you could offset the expense by getting whowever quarantines them to take some fish as part of the deal or sell them for you. You should also bear in mind that it is only recently that people have been trying to breed them and not always successfully.

So in short, you might want to get all fine details ironed out before making offers to the forum.

I hope you can do it!


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hmm, thread necromancy.

Reef_man stated in another thread in the private trade & exchange section that He would be unable to do this as he's off to live in the UK. That particular thread has subsequently been deleted as far as I can tell.

Lets just say there were many here who were sceptical of the whole affair to put it mildly....

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