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I picked up a tank off trademe and it came with some african's the last owner had no idea what they are and just called them cichlids..

Can people please have a look at http://photobucket.com/albums/f183/ryanjury/ and try and identify them..

I have no idea what they are the only one I could id was an electric yellow that died in transit..

They even have a dwarf gourami and bolivian rams in with them which have obviously taken a beating so are being moved to my community tank..

Also once ive id'd them does anyone have any suggestions on what would be good to add to add a bit more colour because its a bit drab now the yellows have died..



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They may be called just cichlids because they are possibly hybrids. Most of what are sold in shops are hybrids I understand.

Sorry I can't help you with your ID. I am not sure what some of mine are either but, like you, recognised the electric yellows :P

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Yeah I had hoped that wouldn't be the case, the last lady called them cichilds because she had no idea what they were thats why the poor gourami was in there as well she even though he was a cichlid and called the bolivian rams snapper.. The rams and gourami is safe now in my community tank so its all good now hopefully their fins will grow back and they'll cheer up.

I was just hoping to id some and figure out what I had pairs of etc so I could build up numbers, the pet shops up here seem to have very specific species etc on the front of their tanks which would suggest they arn't all hybribs?

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the dumbest things with shops and africans is that all the zebra species the name the same so basically all are hybrids, i have only one hybrid and he just swims around, doesn't do anything, if you plan to breed dont sell hybrid fry. shop are generally pretty good with all other africans, yours look mostly like hybrids, maybe one female kenyi/metriaclima lombardoi.

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yeah after doing some googling on Kenyi's it looks like I have alot.. There was a large yellow male that I lost in transit which looks alot like he was a kenyi male and some of the smaller ones are going yellow.. Any idea what the big bluish ones are?

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http://photobucket.com/albums/f183/ryanjury has been updated with more pics where you can actually see the fish (hopefully) they aren't too flash but hopefully someone can id them..

So far I think I have a kenyi male (pics labelled kenyi male)

A kenyi female (pic 5)

And some sort of Labeotropheus (pic 7)

Maybe someone here can shed some light, the cichlid thread has been dead for a few days now hopefully this kicks it off again..

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Sorry, to hard for me to tell from the pics. Need dead side on clear pics when trying to id species.

Otherwise get wrong impression, eg; fish in pic3 looks to elongated to be a lombardoi, yet looks nice & rounded in pic 4.

Number 5 looks like a lombardoi, and electric yellow. but as for the others, wouldn't have a clue. Dont like to guess.


lombardoi female



Frenchy :D

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