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thought it was time to say hello


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hi there, my name is Deanne and i've been lurking around the boards awhile now ( think i get it off my fighter lol) and thought i better say hello.

I have a few tanks my main 4' tank is a community tank with platties, guppies, corys, angels etc in there. My 3' tank is for my kribs, juvinile electric blues & lumpheads. I also have a small tank that houses one very little and very troublesome malabar puffer that regardless of his size just doesnt want to get on with anyone else lol.

My daughter is already a member of this site and breeds WCMM and she has just started breeding sunset WCMM.

I also breed birds cockatiels, and budgies so far, fingers crossed for baraband babies this season.

Also like to thank HandS for telling me about this site, without it i still would have thought MTS was affecting only me!

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hi again, and thanks for the welcome, we got the sunset WCMM from the goldfish bowl, my daughter thinks we may have brought them as albino WC but cant be sure. The ones he has in there now look exactly the same and hes advertising them as sunset. Will work on the pics and try to get some up tonight.

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Hi foreverme,

Great to have you here in the FNZAS Forums, you will meet lots of wonderful people here, as I have in the short amount of time that I have been here, always someone willing to help you if you are in need, just don't be afraid to ask, Remember, if you don't ask you won't know.

Happy Fishing :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce: :bounce:


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