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Prodibio Tank


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This is Iwans tank from Swiss land

He uses t5s and the prodibio bacteria to get the stunning colours.

Been doing prodibio weekly and have noticed the same effect which is improved colours and a much cleaner tank.

These are the first photos i have seen of his tank that have not been photoshopped to a great degree. Still this is one of my favorite tanks







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he uses carbon and skimmers as well, he does not use full zeovit. only uses start 2 which is a carbon source you could use vodka and he uses CV which is a coral food.

A number of tank have been testing it and so far all the results are good, getting readings of below .02ppm on the hannah meter on a number of tanks using it with no other Po4 remover.

Prodbio is not expensive. use it weekly then after 1 month you only use it every two weeks. Talk to tim or john in CC.

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I agree that this tank is a real stunner. However, one aspect that I find interesting is that quite a few of the SPS corals appear to be on the pastel side. They look similar to the BB tanks that complain of fading of color, which they quite often (guessed to be) attributed to very low nutrient levels. Are there other examples of “famous†Prodibio tanks and is this a common trait?

I just think that the tank would be even better if the colors were a bit richer in color.

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I use bio digest, biotim and reef booster. After 1 month my phosphates are at .02ppm(hannah meter), I am also using miracle mud which i thought was a dirty system as such. Tank has only been running for 4 months though and only using prodidio for 1 month. Nitrates also unreadable(salifert)

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Seems he uses a little more than just that. Checkout the water current as well. That surface water looks like it is really moving.

I see only one stream in the tank and it is pointed towards the surface. Probably an attempt to reduce sand storms.

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famous†Prodibio tanks and is this a common trait?

I dont have the pastel colours yet, but i beleive it happens when your nutrients get very low, not low po4.

I supplement with trace elements so at this stage i dont have that problem.

Iwan also uses t5s only so you do tend to get pastel colours also.

Fays tank is looking pretty clean as she also doses biodigest.

reef - Which one are you using?

I use biodigest, biotim and reef booster which contains amino acids.

I dose weekly bt will be looking to do it fortnightly as my tank looks clean enough.

I also dose active bak which is a carbon source for the bacteria, you can use vodka also.

Iwan uses the same prodibio products.

fading of color, which they quite often (guessed to be) attributed to very low nutrient levels

That cant be. he has a sand bed :D

I was reading that BB was popular in the 1970s. looks like it is coming back,

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Great pics Reef :)

Had to edit your first group as you placed the closing "/Img" tags next to the opening "Img" tags.. which made some of the pics appear at double the screen width.

Could you ensure that you push "Enter" after using the "" tag.

This will allow pics to show "down" the screen.. not across it .

Many thanks.



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Reef said:

i did that so i could get the whole tank pic of iwans tank, now it is not a full tank pic

Sorry Reef.. but we have to stick the a format that suits "everyone" and doesn't make the site hard to view for other users who are not able to view at that width.

The single post disrupts "all" the thread until the next page.. not just your post.

Perhaps a distant shot.. then the segmented shots with an explanation would have been good.

As mentioned.. Still looks real nice and brilliant clear pics :)


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Certainly a stunning tank.

Although pale, the overall effect is of lovely colours.

Interesting also, in that although the tank is very clean & obviously nutrient poor ( a good thing ), there is a "dirtyish" looking sandbed with worms etc. To me it illustrates the benefits of the bacterial based systems that are becoming more popular nowadays, and how effective they are.

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I believe that Bacteria filter is the best filtration you can have. However the trick is to find out how to fully utilise it.

Bit like a river that has heaps of dirt on the ground but still has crystal clear water.

That is why I don’t think there is much benefit going bare bottom. Logic might say you will have less dirt in the tank but you will miss all the useful bacteria/worms that live on/in the sand.

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Yes, very interesting subject.

A while ago I was a card carrying sandbed basher, but now with the increasing number of pics of stunning sps tanks with deep sand beds it is undeniable that some people must be able to make it work.

I'm going to put a little sand in my next tank. just a wee bit though!

Not quite sure what you meant Reef in the first paragraph, are you saying you think the sandbed may actually be assisting the bacteria that we add? ( if using a bacteria adding system ).

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Not quite sure what you meant Reef in the first paragraph,

Yes I think the substrate does assist the bacteria as it gives the bacteria a place to accumulate and the dirt would help feed it.

I could be wrong but just makes sense to me.

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