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Black Ghost Knifefish


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Does anybody else own one of these amazing fish? I finally managed to get one - ever since I saw a picture I've wanted one!!

I'm still trying to think of a name for him.. err.. 'it' ? :lol:

Just thought I'd share :)

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I am sure Stanley the knife didn't go around killing people like Mack the knife did! :lol:

It is an old song I am sure you would recognise if you heard it. Robbie Williams re-released it on his last album of old Frank Sinatra-like songs.

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the black ghost is well worth the money! :D

He doesn't seem to be doing much either than hiding or eating... What *is* cool, is if you drop a couple of shrimp pellets in the tank so that they end up next to the front pane of glass, he'll come right up and eat it, and I was sitting right in front of the tank watching him eat! What a sight! :)

Only thing I've had to do was move my fighter to the other tank, as I wasn't sure if they'd like each other or not... And I've got 12 baby WCMM in the 4' community tank as well, and the guy from the LFS said I'd probably lose a few during the night, but they all still seem to be there, not that I'm worried - just means free food! :lol:

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It wasn't really a quick decision, there have been 2 off them in my local pet shop that I have had my eye on for a while.

I wasn't sure how communal they were, but after what you said it prompted me into action.

They also have a Butterfly Fish, do you know anything about them?



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If you mean the Pantodon buchholzi - butterflyfish, these are not a community species. They grow 10 - 15cm (according to my book, I have not kept them myself) and prefer a diet of live foods (large ones, won't notice small ones) like spiders, moths, crickets, cockroaches and small fish.

These fish jump so need to be in a covered tank.

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I've kept butterfly fish in a comunity wity pieceful fish no problems. They are quite weird looking but very boring (they spend most their time idle at the top).

you are right about the food. I fed mine on fruit flys, mossie larvie etc. They would ocasionaly take frozen foods but basically they were a real haslte and I was glad to be rid of them.

Worth a try but if your not prepared to feed live food most days forget it.


BTW Don't those Ghost Knife fish get big? Ive seen a knife fish (not the ghost, the grey one with the spots) and it was an easy 2ft long.

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you're thinking of the Clown Knife Fish there Pies - and yeah - they get monstrous! The Black Ghost Knife Fish (from what I've read) reaches about 20" max, and seeing as my tank is 48" x 18" x 18" I'm pretty sure I can handle him for a couple of years at least... If he does get too big, then I'm sure a LFS would happily take him off my hands, in exchange for a smaller one :P

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Well I don't know what's going on here, but my Black Knife fish has completely disapeared, it spent several days hanging around the rock and cave that I had intended for it, now I can't find it anywhere.

Though while looking I have found a bristle nose cat guarding some babies in a small cave.

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Does your tank have a over flow? Black ghosts can get any where they want and are very hard to spot. My flatmate has one that use to hide inside part of a Trio 2000 internal.

Awesome fish one of my favs my mate has one close to 60cm lenght :P

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He was in the cave that I had built, (and carefully closed off so that no fish could enter and get lost) to house the heater.

One tiny gap below the line of the rocks was all it took for him to squeeze through and decide that the heater cave is where he wants to live.

I have now modified the gap(enlarged), and it's entrance with rock so he can be viewed by us entering and leaving.

That's where he can dam well live then.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Mack the knife is a character from a play called 'The Threepenny Opera' (pronounced 'thrup-knee opera'), he was a real scum bag, would prowl the streets and roof tops breaking into houses, commiting burglary, rape and murder esp. with his favourite weapon, his knife. He was the original anti hero. Hannibal Lechter eat your heart out.....

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Have a quik read of the play or see it if you can... it was written as a war protest, by a German, and as a portent of doom around WW1. And yes there are some scenes where they sing, Yup SING!!, about slicing up the blacks and yellows and eating them as a steak tartare!! Take that!!! Set Silence of the lambs to music and you get close....

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