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Everything posted by KerryO

  1. I got this in my email the other day, is it the same Patty Whack? No it can't be you're a Paddy. Perhaps she's your wife. A frog goes into a bank and approaches the teller. He can see from her nameplate that her name is Patricia Whack. "Miss Whack, I'd like to get a $30,000 loan to take a holiday." Patty looks at the frog in disbelief and asks his name. The frog says his name is Kermit Jagger, his dad is Mick Jagger, and that it's okay, he knows the bank manager. Patty explains that he will need to secure the loan with some collateral. The frog says, "Sure. I have this," and produces a tiny porcelain elephant, about half an inch tall, bright pink and perfectly formed. Very confused, Patty explains that she'll have to consult with the bank manager and disappears into a back office. She finds the manager and says, "There's a frog called Kermit Jagger out there who claims to know you and wants to borrow $30,000, and he wants to use this as collateral." She holds up the tiny pink elephant. (you're gonna love this) (it's a real treat) (a masterpiece) (wait for it) The bank manager looks back at her and says... "It's a knickknack, Patty Whack. Give the frog a loan. His old man's a Rolling Stone."
  2. Great Stuff!!! Keep us posted. Good luck.
  3. I have lost 2x kuli loaches 1x sae 2x zebra danios to this virtual space. Mind you I sometimes think my knife fish has a strangley contented look on his face. About once a fortnight I open and cleanout my Eheim, yesterday I recovered 5x baby catfish alive from it, usually there is 3-4 in there. They seem quite happy to live in there, must be a great ride to get there, a bit like the waterslide at Wiawera thermal pools.
  4. I only have the one, and he is one of my favourite fish, until now. I really wonder if something is missing in his diet, because no matter how much I seem to feed him, he still keeps chomping into these plants. They are looking like they have been blasted with a shot gun.
  5. I was thinking more along the lines of removing the fish.
  6. Thanks, Algae wafers are the pellets that I was meaning. What else do Clown Loaches like to eat? This one feeds from the surface with all the other fish. Maybe some shelled cooked peas would be good.
  7. There are definately no snails! Yes he is targeting one plant, it is a broad leaf variety, though I wouldn't have a clue what it is called. I think it's something like Blue Hygrophilia. Initially the signs were horse shoe shaped markings appearing in the leaves, now it's just total destruction.
  8. My Clown Loache has suddenly started to eat my plants. At first I thought the mysterious holes appearing in some of my leaves was caused by snails. I caught him this morning, after he had eaten his breakfast, methodically working long some leaves chewing holes and virtually destroying the plants. I actually heard him before I saw him. I have probably had him for 6mths, and he has never done it this bad before, if at all. I must confess a couple of weeks ago I decreased the feeding of my fish from two feeds, too one per day. I also halfed my light intensity, all to stop algae from suffocating my plants. This has been very successfull, with lots of new plant growth now. But why is that clown eating my plants? I do feed pellet food to him and the cats, about every 2nd or 3rd day.
  9. It discolours itself. Simple to apply, just brushed on.
  10. Translucent Pondpaint won't stay clear underwater. It turns white as I found out with my project. http://shell.world-net.co.nz/~jenniefield/
  11. KerryO

    RF U/G Filters

    I've got a brandnew Eheim 3540 Throughflow undergravel filter for sale if anyone is interested. Retails for a hundred and something, will sell for 50.00 plus post. Can email photos. Cheers, Kerry.
  12. I have posted the last picture in my background story. Thanks to Blueram for prompting me. http://shell.world-net.co.nz/~jenniefield/ I would place just the picture here if I knew how.
  13. Or maybe Kelly Tarltons! (Puch Maxi 48.5cc)
  14. KerryO

    Dr Felix

    My 2 cents worth, 20yrs as a builder and 5yrs as a cabinet maker. Your construction while a little unusual, will easily hold the weight of a car. Mdf on its edge has incredible compressive strength. Just remember the whole thing is only going to be as good as what it sits on, ie. your floor. You haven't made any mention of that yet. Is it wooden, or concrete? If it is wooden, then there may be some more things to consider.
  15. He was in the cave that I had built, (and carefully closed off so that no fish could enter and get lost) to house the heater. One tiny gap below the line of the rocks was all it took for him to squeeze through and decide that the heater cave is where he wants to live. I have now modified the gap(enlarged), and it's entrance with rock so he can be viewed by us entering and leaving. That's where he can dam well live then.
  16. Stop worrying I've found him! Quite surprising where they can fit, thanks for the tip, it got me thinking.
  17. Well I don't know what's going on here, but my Black Knife fish has completely disapeared, it spent several days hanging around the rock and cave that I had intended for it, now I can't find it anywhere. Though while looking I have found a bristle nose cat guarding some babies in a small cave.
  18. It wasn't really a quick decision, there have been 2 off them in my local pet shop that I have had my eye on for a while. I wasn't sure how communal they were, but after what you said it prompted me into action. They also have a Butterfly Fish, do you know anything about them? Cheers, Kerry.
  19. I've got one now! I'll call mine Mack. I sure know the song.
  20. Hi Aqua, I'm also thinking of getting a Knife fish. How is it settling in? are they any trouble? Cheers, Kerry.
  21. KerryO

    Oh. Migod

    Are they what are called Bulvarin Butterfly Rams. That's the only sort I can find. At Hollywoods 4-5 cms long. Rams aren't a community fish anyway.
  22. KerryO

    Oh. Migod

    Where did you get the Butterfly Rams from Peety?
  23. I can recommend Jager brand heaters. As part of my work, I clip a Jager heater into a tub and leave it running overnight, the next day it is removed and placed on the bench. The same heater has done the job for 5yrs, roughly in and out 1500 times. If thats not abuse I don't know what is. I've always kept a backup heater in my cupboard, where it also sat for 5yrs, until recently when I setup my first aquarium and used it with confidence in that. I think they are electronic.
  24. KerryO

    Oh. Migod

    Thanks Andrew, I'll get two more ASAP
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