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will done Kookie - nice looking set up and the fish are happy - thats always a good sign that there needs are met. :lol:

Thanks peanuts, I thought so too.

Looking good kookie. Some of the plants will need moving as they grow though.

I would suggest you move the heater down and left a bit (as you look at the tank) so hide it more. Heat rises too so the lower the heaterstat the better.

Most of the plants will be put into the other tank when it's ready, and I will leave cuttings in the small tank. I also moved the heater when I did the water change today, lower and to the left more. Thanks :D

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:bow::bow::bow: Excellent :bow::bow:

Kookie...what is the white, looks like a tube, near the back of tank? In one of the pics a green tube? And, lastly :oops: :oops: what is the square gblnb...cat typing, sorry...thing in the front?

Your plants look wonderful...one of these days I'll get brave and try :o

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Hi Caper.

The white tube is the outflow pipe from pump to external filter.

The green tube/pipe you see is the return flow from the filter.

It's a bit crude, but that's how I got it. Mind you the fish love swimming in the current from the return flow, especially my rasbora.

And I think the square thing you can see is my breeder trap with guppy fry in it.

Ya know, plants aren't that fussy or hard to grow.

All I have is the light and fishies to make mine grow.

Mind you there are 40 odd fish in that tank, lol.

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gblnb...cat typing, sorry...thing in the front?

Hey Caper, you're lucky your cat just types, our managed to press a combination of keys so that whenever you use Microsoft Excel and click on a cell, it anchors there and selects a whole bunch of cells wherever the mouse moves.

Damn nuisance, renders the program totally inoperable, had to reinstall it to get rid of it.

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Well you know it's your fault, you would not have had a problem if you taught him how to use the program properly :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Oh Kookie...I look at people's tanks here with the plants and I think wow, wish I could do that :( But I am so bad with plants, my ex used to tell me that I could kill artificial plants :o:o

I think once I'm more comfortable with having fishies...someday I'll try the plants. But I did make a mental note...hmmm... or was that I am mental :-? :-? ...that you don't use any CO2 or anything else but your fishies and light.

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