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Hi there, I just got a big tank (around 4 feet long, 3 feet high and 2 feet wide) and some WCMMs together with some Oxygen Weed. I bought 2 females and 1 male.

Anyone know how I can induce them to spawn later? The Oxygen Weed isnt anchored down, and its just floating around. I might throw in a piece of driftwood in there though.

Anyone have a site where I could see how to breed WCMMs?

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I just got a big tank (around 4 feet long, 3 feet high and 2 feet wide)

That is one major size of tank by any standards.

You will need some "really" long arms in order to service it :)

The tank you mention is more suited to a pretty large community of fish, rather than being wasted as a breeding tank... however.. you ask:

I do not plan to seperate the parents from their children, but how do I feed both?

The problems that occur with breeding most fish is getting food into their mouths at the earliest stages of development.

Sure... they will breedin there.. as would most fish, but once they have consumed their egg sacs they will have a "real" hard time finding food in such a vast body of water.

Fish like the WCMM are great little fish to spawn.. but they also have very tiny mouths that can only consume Infusoria or emulsified foods in the early stages.. and most would recomend spawning them in a tub outdoors.. or perhaps a 600X300X300 .. so that their food is always there without exhausting themselves while looking for it.


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Hmm ok, I'll do as I've been told.

However, it seems that I've overestimated. The actual tank size is actually only 2 feet in length. :-? Will that be big enough for the WCMMs?

Also, how do the eggs look like? Will they lay eggs in Oxygen Weed? I was actually going to go buy a couple of clumps of Java Moss but the LFS is closed on Tuesdays. I plan to keep them down with some rocks.

On a side note, the WCMMs seem to be taken with the Oxygen Weed. I've anchored the plant using some rocks and they like to hide underneath. One disturbing thing I've noticed is that some of my Oxygen Weed has just turned brown overnight. Whats wrong?

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Ahh ok. I'll try to keep an eye out for eggs I guess.

I couldnt wait for more fry so I went out and bought another female. The first 3 seem to be happily swimming about but the new one is no where to be seen. Is it shy?

Also, they dont like eating my food yet. I have been holding them back from food for nearly 4 days now and they seem fine. I threw in some and they dont eat it. Could they eat Oxygen Weed or Java Moss? :-?

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  • 2 weeks later...

I have WCMM outside in a situation similar to yours. I bought them a couple of months ago.

They bred several times.

I'm giving liquifry to the fry. I'm not sure if they are growing at a suitable rate, but there are many of them quite alive.

But, odd enough, I never figured out what to feed to the parents - they refuse flakes (even exactly the same brand that they feed them at LFS). They look OK though, although I suspect that they did eat the fry recently. I can't tell for sure as I have three tanks syphoned through together, and fry more or less automatically gets syphoned away to a neighboring tank which they have to themselves (it is not by design, by I find the outcome quite entertaining).

Also, odd enough, I'm quite confused about how to sex the adults. They are changing color all the time. I was quite certain to have 2 males (colored and cocky) and three females (less color). But once it became colder, they all turned to pitch black, and behave more or less equally cocky.

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