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new tank stocking


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i have a 100L approx 76 x 36 x 36cm tank. the tank has a 100 watt heater and a HOB filter suitable for tanks up to 150 litres. it has an aquarium mix and course sand base.i have a big piece of driftwood and going to have lots of plants including cabomba, dwarf sagitaria, pygmy chain and indian fern. i have 2 small blue rams, 4 harlequins, 3 small angels, and a breeding pair of bristlenoses already to go in it but i am wanting this list in total:

3 angels

2 blue rams

6-8 harlequins

2 adult B/Ns


2 corydoras sterbai

2 corydoras Jhulii

2 corydoras of another sort

and in the future bristlenose bubbas

1st question. is this tank big enough for all these fish?

2nd question. if yes is there room for more?? i would like a pair of agassizii apistos but it is probably too stocked already :D:D

3rd question. would all these fish adapt ok to the higher temps (27-28C) that i will have for the rams.




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Hi Evil

I don't know much about some of those fish (like the angels) and their relationship to plants but that list sounds fairly well stocked to me. You also seem to have lots of bottoms dwelling fish (the bristlenose, the SAE, and the cories) and I am not sure that there is room for them all in a tank that size.

Hopefully someone with more knowledge can advise you further.

Have fun setting up your tank!


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dont the algae eaters get really agro when they grow up? if so id imagine theyd hassle your rams no end and a breeding pair of BN in the tank will try fend off the other fish that want to eat their eggs. if you wana breed em keep em seperate i say, less hassle if they do lay eggs and then you dont have to move babies or anything.

your tanks sounds sweet, id just be careful about the height of the tank, angels like a taller tanks so they might look a bit cramped later on?

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chinese algae eaters get agro when they grow up aparently but siamese algae eaters are all sweet. i think i will leave the breeding pair of bn's in the other tank. i will have a pot for them to lay in so they might be right but i duno if i have enough room for them. my angels should be sweet in the tank because i had my last big angel in a tank a lil bit smaller and he was sweet. i think. :roll: any ways. if i have all the fish and then 4 corydoras and 2 sae will that be sweet?? thanks


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Hey evil.

I have a slightly over stocked 100L tank and all my fish are happy.

The biggest concerns with smaller tanks and lots of fish are stress and ammonia. I do partial water changes every 2 - 3 days and my fish are all very healthy and happy and love to breed lol.

I have around 40 (give or take a couple) fishies in my tank. None that will grow more than 5-7 cm in size. Also my tank is very well planted and it has plenty of hiding places for the fish to take a break.

I think if anything will cause problems for you, it will be a bully fish. So keep your eyes peeled. IMHO you can have a successful well stocked tank, if you maintain them well.

Good luck.

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This tank would be roughly 25g's right??? If I'm right that stocking will not work. 3 angels in a 25g is not enough room with all those other fish IMO 30g is the minimum for Angels alone you could breed a pair in that size though so IMO drop the angels. SAE's can become really aggresive so I would also probably alos drop them. And lastly instead of goin 2 species od cory's each I'd go with 6 of one they like to be in groups of 4+ better.Everything else is good though there you could go with someagassizii apistos if you want to but that might cause problems with the rams just watch. I would not add any more fish as that is well stocked already. And lastly the temprature will be fine for them :D

This might sound a bit harsh but in NO way is it meant to be I'm just trying to help you out.Good Luck :D

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I agree with Kookie! Well said! :hail::D

It obviously depends on the type of fishes you get too. As Kookie said: watch out for bullies! And keep up the water changes.

I would however suggest getting a couple less bottom dwellers - not just because of potential overcrowding but also for the overall balance of the tank. There's going to be too much going on on the bottom IMHO.

HTH :)


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This tank would be roughly 25g's right??? If I'm right that stocking will not work. 3 angels in a 25g is not enough room with all those other fish IMO 30g is the minimum for Angels alone you sould breed a pair in that size though so IMO drop the angels. SAE's can become really aggresive so I would also probably alos drop them. And lastly instead of goin 2 species od cory's each I'd go with 6 of one they like to be in groups of 4+ better.Everything else is good though there you could go with someagassizii apistos if you want to but that might cause problems with the rams just watch. I would not add any more fish as that is well stocked already. And lastly the temprature will be fine for them :D

This might sound a bit harsh but in NO way is it meant to be I'm just trying to help you out.Good Luck :D

I have to admit, I don't know that much about Angels. :-? So you might want to consider Angel FiNatic's advice on this :)

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I do partial water changes every 2 - 3 days

Do you vacuum each time? Or do you just take out/put in water when you're doing it that often?

What kind of fishies Kookie? I apologize if you've already posted what you have, I have a memory like a sieve :-? :-?

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Do you vacuum each time? Or do you just take out/put in water when you're doing it that often?

What kind of fishies Kookie? I apologize if you've already posted what you have, I have a memory like a sieve :-? :-?

I vacuum the gravel every third water change, the other times I just change water. It wouldn't be good for the tank to vacuum the gravel so often.

I have a range of fishies:

neon, glowlight & blackwidow tetras (4 N, 4 G, 6 BW)

cherry & golden barbs (3 Ch 2 Gold)

platies (3)

guppies (1 mum and 20-30 bubba's)

swordtails (1 male, 3 females)

BN catfish (pair)

albino catfish

zebra danios (3)

emerald eye rasbora (8 )

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I'm sort of having a similar dilemma.

I have a 150 liter tank with

7 neons

3 harlequin rasboras

1 bronze cory

1 algae eater (hopefully, SAE)

It has an undergravel filter powered by powerhead, well planted.

I'm changing water little by little more or less continuously (using it to water house plants), I think it should come up to about 1/4 change per week. I'm using tap water aged for 2 days to get rid of chlorine. I do not clean gravel more than once per week, or sometimes once per 2 weeks. As water level is fluctuating, the actual water volume should be around 120 to 130 liters.

I've been pondering about adding 4 more rasboras, and 2 more bronze corys. So I wonder, how likely is such an addition to make the whole thing unstable. In any case, the configuration I would have after the addition would be:

150 liter tank with

7 neons

7 harlequin rasboras

3 bronze corys

1 algae eater

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