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My tank upgrade :)


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Haven't got mine eating peanuts yet, but after several months of training he is eating pellets. But only from my fingers, ignores them if they're floating around.

I am keeping him in a seperate tank so the other fish don't eat all the food, & spend 5 or 10 minutes a day training him. It's been a long slow process but the end is in sight now, once he can also eat flake he will go in the main.

One thing for sure, after all the time & effort I've put in to him if anything happened to him I'd be MAJORLY upset!

If I can snap it, I'll put up a pic of him eating out of my fingers, which I have had to make him do so I can get him to eat stuff without being able to see what it is. When I got him he would only eat live baby glass shrimps.

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Here's a pic of mine eating from my fingers, please excuse poor photography the lighting is not the best in the garage.

Once he learned how to eat chopped mussel I got him to eat from my fingers, so now I have blended some mussel to pulp in the blender, and mix it with pellet. He eats from my fingers so he doesn't know it's pellets. At first it was all mussel with just a few pellets, and I'm slowly decreaseing the amount of mussel so hopefully he will eventually just eat pellets. Then I'll do the same thing to get him to eat flake, and then hopefully he will be able to go in with other fish. There is nothing in my small tank for him to eat naturally, he will have to eat fish food.

He was a very small fish when I got him, he has close to doubled in size in a few months, probably because he has a tank to himself.


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Should work although yours is a largish CB, in a smallish sump, you would need to put a foam filter over the pump inlet to prevent the shrimps dissapearing up it.

But confining the CB to a smallish tank where a steady supply of food can be floated around him is the right idea to get him started eating, if he is not already.

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  • 2 weeks later...

it didnt float it sunk :( im picking it was one of the asia-captured ones, apparently the australian-captured ones are much more likeky to adapt, due to better [net] capture techniques rather than chemical :evil: and better handling. it seemed like this copperband was actually blind - kept hitting rocks / corals, wouldnt flinch when you moved your hands suddenly in front of it etc. not sure if this was caused by the way it was caught or if it was crook already before capture...

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